These past 2 years have been so screwed up, I'm surprised I haven't fallen into despair. I've been so close to just giving up, and giving my life up to the one who is supposed to make things better. My wounds have not healed, my heart is still torn and bleeding. He was supposed to heal them, and make things real. But all I see now is darkness and fear.

Chorus: So give me a smile, show me a tear. Try to cheer me up cause I'm drowning here (Im drowning here). This world is a bitter place that gives you nothing. So give me a smile show me a tear, before Insomia takes over my mind. Gets within my veins. Tries to hold me back, but never fear im here to stay. My eyes will open oneday and maybe I might FINALLY seeee.....the good and the bad that has taken control of me.

It's hard for me to just move on after everything that has happend, after everything I've seen. Watching my friends become thinner, seeing the scars upon there arms, I stand here watching helplessly waiting to raise the alarm. Whats holding me back....I do not kno....I think its my mind.....cuz im still waiting for a speacial person to come back home from a war, that ended up spilling his blood on the floor. These thoughts dig deep into my soul, cuz I try to help when I kno its a helpless cause. Its so hard now, for me to move on. You have no idea what ive had to do, to be strong, to not run and scream my heart out, this pain in my head is driving me crazy, Insomia has now become my enemy. No, its hard. To just move on, and leave this all in the past, I cant forget that.


Theres nothing I can do, Theres nothing I can say.Insomia has taken my mind. Leaving an empty space. I cant think, I cant breathe. Insomia has taken everything. Im vulnerable to all the insecurities. Im invisible....but if you give me a smile, show me a tear, bring me back to earth, take this burden away. Maybe i'll be better, maybe i can finally rest, and open my eyes and see. The good life holds....inside of me.

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Comment by LOLO on April 14, 2008 at 9:08pm
this is really good!! one of my favs!!! keep righting chica!! u are super good!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE ITT








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