to beatify existence/life....... all things are remarkable. (a note..that is why i am here too)

you dont have the will to do anything else, you have all of gods will.

with the lord as my virtue.

keep ur sincerity. that is all you are.

now be an end to all ends.

active, creative capsule.

god extends above all else. god is the all encompassing love. god is the serious one, the challenging and loving. The IT the ALL.

its not even gods ways. its urs, ours, us together.

how fun is it to enjoy life and all it IS.

only uses stuff as an example--god is the constant of all things. branches to any avenue.


god took the one negative thought i had about myself. the one that truly ate at me (everything else i knew i could just erase in an instant due to his grace and heavens) and thru time showed me thru the word i used to describe myself..that the word was not me. that is was just not linked to me.........its crazy to write i cant even. its like i had this one word and later he flipped that word to not even be related to me......

to be given the opportunity to see with a deep blue eye.. that i felt that i had the power of christ inside of me looking out. UM YEAH>!!!!!!!!

its just you are awake. i am just living now awake. thats it.

i laugh because its easy!

it matters where your heart will be

april 17th-2nite i got constant messages sent to me via my mind-(u r ur own god head)-nonstop these messeges came. i didnt write them down. but they were and are constant. thats beauty. use that avenue, channel. id have a lil break cuz thats cuz id be out of it . but its all cuz i opened up the ave. the channel. my lord, thank you.

you arent skin, we are fiercness wrapped into a body.

god is all and everything and seriously the in between

the all knowing sees all and heres all. IS SET.

all powerful god 'ness

see him, here him, speak him.

feel away the envelope take a peek inside its us-god centered being-illuminated.

feel in tune. when u are in the love.

you cant just use ppl and see what they do to you-youve got to be in depth with ppl.

this is it. the all ever now. i am held at place and this beautifies existence. challenge urself with existence. being is not hte same as AS IS. He is eternal. being is at this moment. (just a word. i mean we ARE ETERNAL..its just int eh context here that i got that previous line.)

its your christ consciousness. use ur inner core at all times. thats all you are. your inner core.

i can feel the lord all around me. heavens align. alive and enlighten. i watched the nature and saw the whole everything as beautiful. -i saw everything in its beauty. when i was walking outside.

i can work well with positive energy. i can read and see positive energy.

a few ways to get there, the HUE. and hare krisna, hare krisna, krisna krisna hare hare. hare rama, hare rama, rama rama hare hare. ( a note-ask me if you have a question about these ill tell ya)

this is from a family member that has gone to the other side..along with other words and bits we spoke about..he told me, your love shines like rythm. then i just put down on the page a min later. ive go it-rythm.

if anyone has a question to a loved one, go ask them, contact them. i can help you get there too. maybe we could work on it together.mm jr.

i also want to take this time to announce that if you want a motivational messege sent to you id be more than happy to do that for you. send me a message letting me know you want one, im full of them as you can see! and i can say stuff that will give you peace. just let me know if you want me to send you somthing. I WILL Guarantee you that i will give you bits of info that will help your life, your ears. i will send it your way. you never know what might come up too. mm jr. ..to put it lightly.

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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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