so yeahhhh i cut out this pretty little bright colored magazine page from a mag that i got free at the body, mind and soul expo..and i was gonna put it up in my apt to decorate up the place..brighten it up and there was a quote on the page that is as follows, "healing is possible when we can gently and passionately go inward and honestly examine, explore, question and understand who we(you) are."(being)--its a quote from a book from a lady. wellllllll i dug the quote and the graphic, the quote cuz i read the beginning of the book titled, "Practical Intuition" written by laura day. and i was having a blaast with it cuz within the first 40 pages you do a reading on yourself and yeahhh its crazzzy what i found and you can find too!!!!lolll so yeah i ended up feelin that vibe of the quote on the neat pic and i cut it out of the mag and put it up in my apartment. i walked away then got the phrase from my heavens...."ill examine them one by one if you want." they said it in a polite way, it was almost like a please or id be glad to do it.......

yeahhhhhhh so heres some lines and bits of info i know you'll dig:

youve hit the golden give it all away and keep giving. till ur satisfied.

doesnt matter what you do, say, want or look like. its who u r being, who u will be, who you are.

we are all beings of light, fully capable of extending love and light!

happiness: being set-content, peaceful, ok with being there at that place with no worries, coneten and calm. no word for it. it means i am JUST. im at peace, meaningful(word from a course in miracles..) its so fulfilling and more then anything ever ever ever ever.

the lord god unites me with everyone.

you know the real issue behind it all, be ur highest version of urself.

my lord god leads me, surprises me.

bless everyone you can. the energy will feel it.

for the everlasting being IS US.

i will guarantee my body, mind, soul and creativity.

heres the sky. its urs.

w/god. w/me.

god gives me gentle nudges during the day-comes through words, actions, feelings---april 8th.

i cant even wait for the days to begin. (this one to end-the night will be fun)-april 8th.

the lord god flips words around, uses them subtley, giving them meaning or stressing them at different times. its just a wonderful tool for christ.

you can be this. god w/in us.

start using all of yourself.. express, express express even if it is nodding off ina drone or spilling ur mind at a cafe. its all about loving urself in its entirety. expressing urself with all u can. its beautiful and its amazing.

this is besides the point. u are it.

its written in ink and road.

god works in every way. every every way. like he will be there for you anytime. and is still going. so its fabulous. we all have him at anytime.

you are not here, you are not there, you are just in the heavens alone.

lead with ur words spoken-ronnie winter

god is gonna give it all to you (me)

my love, my life, my 'ness

ppl will branch out when they see god. god doesnt guess. falter or choose. god sees you and believes you.

you cant make up for love. ITs truly all you are. you dont need anything else.

we are all beautiful beings. useful expression. dont judge. well yeaaaa

at different locations and at different times i get these words that mean so much.-oglesbi illinois.

after a day of living like i outsta-april 12th at work..i did the akashic records exercise and it was beautiful beautiful landscape i saw. so extra nice. i know its because of how i lived. am living.

we are extraordinary-capable of the most amazing body-but we cant over do it and go crazy or we over stress, over do it. well yeeeep.

its affecting my health..but now that i found youuu.-ronnie winter.

i am living under god. i am living my godself. i am certaini that god is me-all-everything. i am certain the inner one, divine one is me with a body(that is a tool) a magnificant, magnificant, magnificant tool go by being leading them to the way. there is no uncertainty. see this is what it all comes down to. the fact that you have found all of these love words, live them and only them. well yeah. you wil have constant loving hands to show, tell , know and speak to, thru by you to lead you. (at that point i was writing fluently and i was outdoors and wearing gloves that had the words love printed on them like as a decorative pattern. ) they just wanted to verify their this point i got onto saying i am god, we are god. ..i am soul......

welll more like i am total, i am it. this is it...

strong as the wind.

i am and have all the qualities christ-jesus had. i and YOU HAVE that capability. why would you want anything else?

God is there, for your soul.

right now im only gonna write a few more lines cuz im running out of time but i will post more later on......... heres the rest.

he speaks to anybody. sees all.

kindness and spirit go a long long way.

your spirit keeps you.

jesus knows all, is all.

april 15th-jesus have insight to me in words i like(use and know). god uses my words to get a point across. he like uses the feelings that i have(knowing that i will attach to those) and he uses the words i use!!!!!!!!!!!

he gave me peace. "you'll act from peace."

bold enough to say hello, bold enough to say no, hold .., grow.

its not even just gods ways. its urs, ours, us, together.

when you get whatyou got you get going.

all that loves(works)

you can communicate with ur soul its called soul power.

the here and now with beauty and love.

so here is a thought for the day: you know about snow days and how kids get off of school to take caution in the cold weather. welll waht bout getting out of school early during spring a day or two to see how global warming affects the neighborhood/state/region , the natural resources in ur part of the world..maybe have educational material to hand out, set up a boothe or just to tell ppl that this threat is hurting our land our earth. amen.

and this is what i want my book title to be: "God told me what pants to wear and to clean my apartment!!"

rough draft:

the intro of the book is gonna be rocking cuz i usually dont really dig intros, heres it goes: god communicates to you thru feelings...actions, thoughts.(all forms).all the same. he flips words around, emphasizes some..Well its true. and he can for you too. hell speak to you like ur best friends. he starts using your language. --to get across to make it meaningful(course in miracles term).. ini fact he comes so close to you. its you using ur feelings..then he'll flip ur words around...

and yes, via meditation(it might be a different form of communication for you, and by no means do i get even half of my info from meditation...meaning you might get htis info just pop in ur head like i do with other facts, but here god told me how to get into peace.) how i must get peaceful so that i can change the world. or how i sohouldnt be looking for "instances" that if i want to change the world i must be all about it. it must be me, what i am. its just an extension of what i naturally am being. this is, of course, true to everyone. see, god have me this last paragraph yesterday. so imagine all of the insight she has available for u and us right now and each and every day. TONS< LOTS. simply stated, its WHAT WE GOTTA KNOW. so lets listen.

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