i love that when something is so miraculous i cant put it into words, eventually the words will come adn ill be able to talk all about it!


god gives us this beautiful life giving energy that pulsates thru us. we are standing on beauty. wow. its pure. his god given right :) and ours.



so you must choose god. (i mean he is in all of us every second)... just god. your god is your life. youve got it.

choose god. we are magnificant as people here-our minds -we have all of these emotions-spiritual sides-all of our qualities. we are so great here here as humans.

hes gonna give you the most joy. more joy then the world-this plane-can give.

gods love(like i am feeling now) goes beyond makes u 10 +++ + + + + happier then anything worldly can do.

you are gonna lose nothing, you have everything to gain.

love bursts * * *

show ppl just how important life is on this earth plane. thats what -you are- means. you are somthing. they cancel out your sadness. just as those words didnt have to even be there. "Ill cancel out ur sadnessm ur life is not out in the open for a guessing game. this is it. it can be undone." -a guide.

i also got : we- u are done. u r done. im never undone.

pray to welcome change.. make (BE) somthing.

now you are gonna see right. there is no right...

not one thing you do.or at..wil, guarantee you anything. its who you are being. who are you being LOVE (BE) BE SOUL.

i (he) wants to be whole and excited to thrive and be alive.

see how you are feeling about somthing. itll give u the insight and the clues. part of that i think it quoted.

the lord reigns, the lord is.

i cancel out love even tho i feel it. and know its there. its a sickness. "ive been there."-jesus.

you just choose love or fear. thats what it comes down to. there are variations of fear. love abolishes fear. its just life. its so grue, all real and all you.

GODS PEACE. it just takes one second. like 1 phrase, "holy spirit you are here by me." or if you feel a certain sadness, say what beautiful thought is really on ur mind. just speak outloud. then the truthful peaceful statemtn will come out that can undo that sadness. say what beautfil thoughts are really on ur mind. it will come out as a loving, heart felt saying. when inside u r doubting or whatever speak the tru statements (THEY COME OUT, as for me anyways!). ill say it outloud and the truth COMES OUT. its like the simplist life. we have greed(or any variation of fear) we can see it when it appears and the LOVE is deep, deeper. YOUR OWN GOD-HEAD inside us is deep, unfaltering, knowing and doesnt lift or change. its so deep and warm and lvoing. 4-21-08. LOVE so pick LOVE OVER FEAR and watch it dissolve.

it happens when you put any sort of block/wall up so LOVE cant get it.

life-all of it, HERE with love all around me(my spirits..is good.

to make the earth a god vessel.

i am. instrument . for god

i truly think god gives us this world of opposites so we get to see how truly beautiful life is -on the positive.higher wave. the beautiful aspect of it.

you think-judgement ever occurs. but it does not.

we are all soul. LOVE.

you time. all of your time.

peace-heaven your god

i get a lot of info about family, say from other family members who have passed, or from guides/ im not gonna write it-if you want to know ill messege you.its bits and pieces about just family love...

i have conversations with family and loved ones who have passed on, with spirit guides and jesus(he is very informational).

all of these positive qualities mean everything to ppl.

this is for my own case, maybe urs, idk: dont try to study this --its gonna be passion otherwise. repeat it.

doesnt matter who you ever are, its who you are with god and are being with us all, and who u r is great!..lol that was so from a guide or somthing...

we are all connected by love.

this is your entirety.

the many times yourve siad hello to ppl green./open with delight.

the beauty lies deep within us.

simply done. never affected.

challenging yet beautiful(they gave me these two other words that were just so beautiful and it was awesome but i didnt write them down, so i just substituted them with challeng and beautiful. it meant the same thing)

he speaks to anybody, sees all.

"i am here alwasy with you. (us) i can feel all you feel." i just dont succumb to much. just meaning. there is a reason for telling you (us) this. just listen to love and being. excited for you (us). dance side to side.

your spirit keeps you, remember that.

jesus knows all, is all. "so great to here from you." my god tells you.

maintain a constant. so it becomes who you are being. instead of wanting one thing-its who you are being-is -are-being.

when i was reading i book i said..."wow this is heaven. this is really like the movie, The Beach." mm jr.

man seeketh nothing that brings real peace, joy, life and love , SOUL is the one say to ur true desires.

you dont just have to be this-you have to see and sing this.

i am no longer a victim to some push and pull game.

this is my (ur) and gods life to create.

i know happiness. the world is happy (GOd) and you are good to go.

bliss wont bring that....

(((((((((((to tell people that there is the most love/awesome feelings you can get into from heaven/above. and to tell them they can get that and know that its all theirs and know that the most love and abundance is fully open to you after body moves on. but id love to get all that now. you can tap into it NOW! there must be some ppl who have a lot of it.access to it. im sure you can access all your human body, soul, and mind can get here NOW on EArth. and you can access that here thru channels.))))))))))))))))))

this are some words from a book ive gotten into. if you want more of it, just message me and ill transcribe pieces of it for ya :

"I am spirit soul.

Human life is meant for understanding transcendental knowledge, not material knowledge.

god by nature is full of happiness.

real identity-you (us) soul =soul


youve got god in you now go tell the world.

all comes from its entirety.

god consciousness movement-convert material to spiritual.

you must be only this one thing: god centered realization.

its inner existence."

youve got to balance love....heart...all these qualities. this wordly say -insert a place or worldly thing- you donthave to balance. its more bit by bit-give some and it takes some. all using ur true god self ur true intentions. little pieces i use some, it takes some. balance YOUR HEART. and make it whole again.

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