Okay, So I'm not the most preppiest girl you have ever seen...

But des that really matter? I mean, I have noticed that most of my friends worry about their appearnce so much, that they don't wat to do things that I do. I LOVE going outside and playing a rough sport. But one of my friends is afraid of getting hurt. So she never wants to play.My other friend doens't want to "ruin his shirt". That's stupid. Clothes can be washed and cleaned.

I admit. I don't have big boobs. So what? I am proud of my small boobs. They don't get in the way as much. But YES. It does hurt if you hit them. But not as much as girls say it does. But maybe that's becuase I have a high-tolerance to pain, er...whatever. But yes. I have small boobs. I am not worried about me having boobs now. It's no like I am going to have sex any time soon. [Thank God] Plus, my body was never entered in a contest to see who has the biggest boobs. So I really don't care.

I have also noticed that I am probably the most tomboy among my friends. In the morning, my hair doesn't stay straight. I just put it up in a ponytail. While some of my other friends don't even want you to touch them becuase of their hair. They worry too much. I don't watch MTV [anymore]. I ave noticed the more I follow and pay attention to things I care about, the more I loose track of MTV and other channels I use to watch.

I follow football alot. So, I have more guy friends than girls. so naturally, I get alled, a slut, whore, hoe. And whatnot. It gets on my nerves becuase people don't actually shut up and listen to what we are talking about. I have a guys sense of humor. No not that sick humor. The humor where, if someone gets hurt [even me]. I laugh. My normal friends I usually have, they say it'snot funny and they could have really gotten hurt.

Bones,scrapes, and bruises heal. I usually don't paint my nails. I usually don't get my nails done. Only becuase they don't last long. I don't like shoping at Hollister, or Zumiez. Becuase those are nice clothes that you wear for the day and you claim them to be dirty after a day. I get clothes from Wal Mart. Clothes that last LONG time.

I watch scary/horror/comedy movies. If I am watching a scary movie with a girl friend[not like that], she is curled up under a blanket scared to death. While I am sitting there laughing at the person who is killed becuase they are retarded. I don't wear alot of make-up. Foundation,and mascara. That's it. Nothing fancy like I use to do. No eye-liner, eye shadow. None of that crap. It's a waste of money.

I love getting dirty. I love mud-slinging and stuff like that. Every now and then my friends do too. But they are still worried about their appearance when they are getting dirty. They are worried about thier shirts, otr shoes and stuff.

It just makes me mad how I am so much diffrent from my friends and I wonder if I don't relate to them at all.

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Comment by Kelly on January 5, 2008 at 1:18pm
If you're down to throw around the ole pigskin and all your prissy-ass friends are worried about breakin their nails then just holla at me =]
I'll kick your ass though.

Ohh, and..if they're really your friends, you don't have to like everything they like to stay friends with them. Besides, opposites attract and you need a little bit of both sides to balance out the equation.

Keep your pimp hand strong.


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