It's getting to the point to were people just want to be friends with people for the title "FRIENDS". I'm getting tired of it. You think you're friends with someone and then all of a sudden you two are in a fight about something stupid and your'e not speaking to each other.

Here is a popular example.

SALLY has a myspace. But JENNY isn't on SALLY'S top. So, JENNY get mad at SALLY for not putting her on SALLY'S top. Now SALLY is getting mad at JENNY becuase SALLY isn't on JENNY'S top either. So JENNY has no right for getting mad. Now they are in a fight and are not speaking to each other.

Sound familar? Yha, I thought so. I had the ALMOST same situation around the beginning of September. I just now realzed that one of the friend who got mad at me [because i forgot to right her name in a note] didn't include me in her true friends list. Hmm. And she got mad at me. Other people got mad and I didn't really hang out with them all that much. Can someone please explain to me why people get mad over the stupidist things?

Here is another example of fake friends. When your so called "friends" get mad at you for no apparent reason. At first you guys are having a good time, laughing and whatnot. And then all of a sudden they are mad at you for something that you don't know you did. It makes me mad when I do something that I don't realize that I did, and then I get the ultimatium for it. People need to communicate these days. When people get mad at me, I want to know why. If it's for a stupid reason, then I am not going to be firends with you if you're going to get mad at me for the stupidist things. This is who I am. I am not changing for anyone.

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Comment by Kelly on January 5, 2008 at 1:23pm
K, here's what you gotta do.
Second, and keep in mind this part optional,
Egg all of their houses and stick bologna on their cars...and if possible hook up with all of their boyfriends/girlfriends (if you need help with that I'm here for you xD)
Third) Go to an RJA concert and meet a bunch off super kick ass people and make them your new-found-forever-lasting friends =]]

Comment by jon on January 5, 2008 at 11:29am
thats very true and those people are full of it
Comment by Nikkay :] on January 5, 2008 at 10:23am
Well, If you are bipolar, that's diffrent. I am talking about the poeple where there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with them. Those are the kind of people that makes me mad. You on the other hand, can't help it. So you're a-okay. :]
Comment by Adamface! on January 5, 2008 at 9:42am
I know better than most about that second part. The part about friends being mad at you for no reason.

Because, I am the friend. The thing is, I don't know why I get like that. Well, I do now. I'm bipolar. Which sucks, cause it's going to be with me for life. And it cause really big problems for me and my friends.

But yes, communication is the key. So talking to your friend about it, and finding out why they're mad, could result in your friendship strengthening.
Comment by Brittanee on January 5, 2008 at 3:31am
wow. ive been in that situation so many times myself. i know it really sucks. the "fake friend" broke me and a real friend up. it was so messed up. good luck! =p
Comment by Deachy the deachman lead vocals cscreams guitar for rja reading in to a jar) on January 5, 2008 at 2:07am
I totally agree








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