Deepest Desire. NEW SONG! tell me what you think about it i need feedback! much love <3

I want her, cant have her. She’s the tears I’ve shed. I need her, I miss her. She’s the blood I’ve bled. What’s lost is now gone. Everything just feels so wrong. Who ever said “its better to have loved and lost.” Obviously didn’t pay the final cost. The torment and the heart ache. Everyone says it was a big mistake. But if I could take it back and do it all again. I’d do it in an instant, just to hold your hand. My heart stings from the scars and I still feel the pain. I can still feel my heart screaming your name. And if theirs one thing I cant tame. It’s the feelings that I have for you. Even if you don’t return them. You sure did earn them. It hurt the most when you looked at me and shook your head no. I thought it would be the killing blow. I just don’t have it in me, to let you go. You’re the only one for me, why cant you see that? You don’t think Im right for you, well that is just so untrue. You even said your happiest when its just me and you. I want her, cant have her. She doesn’t feel the same. I need her, I miss her. Is this just a game? How can life be so unfair? I try my hardest to succeed, but its just never good enough. Im running out of things to do, and even less to say. Please just wont you be with me, if not I guess, it was just not meant to be. I just want to hold your hand, be the one you call your man. Sit and watch the sun go down. I wont be the one to drag you down. Lay on our backs and stare at the stars, I’ll sneak up behind you and surprise you with flowers. I really think you could be the one, cuz being with you is so much fun. Just wait for my dreams to come true, but they already did as long Im with you. But you want to be with him and I don’t understand, how can you be with someone who judges your trust? He’s not in it for love he’s in it for lust. SO TELL ME, IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED? SO TELL ME, IS THIS WHAT YOU NEEDED? YOU STOLE HER HEART AND BROKE HER MIND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU LEFT BEHIND! But it doesn’t even matter, AS LONG AS YOUR NOT HER! It just makes everything okay. OKAY! SO TELL ME HOW COULD YOU DO THIS! SO TELL ME, WHY WOULD YOU HURT HER? YOUR GONNA BREAK HER, until she can not stand. TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME, NOW! WHY DO YOU LOVE MY GIRL!? I...Love...Her...(I LOVE HER) I...Hate...You...(I HATE YOU). Please just realize he’s only better in your eyes. Its just another illusion to get you to fall into confusion and choose him over me. One day you will see. I just want to hold your hand, be the one you call your man. Sit and watch the sun go down. I wont be the one to drag you down. Lay on our backs and stare at the stars, I’ll sneak up behind you and surprise you with flowers. I really think you could be the one, cuz being with you is so much fun. Just wait for my dreams to come true, but they already did as long Im with you.

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Comment by Sweetsie_21 <327568914 on August 21, 2008 at 1:52am
do you have a myspace my friend wants to add you you should search her its she really likes your song. and so do i for sure! luvs <32579168
Comment by Lironster [RJA♥] on August 19, 2008 at 5:24am
Spencer that's awesome ^___^
Comment by Punkin' on July 17, 2008 at 8:45pm
awesome very amazing
Comment by Kayla on July 13, 2008 at 1:49am
Its awsome :D
Comment by rose on July 12, 2008 at 6:34pm
awesome dude!
Comment by Elizabeth on July 12, 2008 at 3:58pm
i love your song it is great how did you write such an amazing song
Comment by Elizabeth on July 12, 2008 at 3:51pm
i really like it. it is amazing!
Comment by Veena on July 12, 2008 at 12:07pm
it's really nice and touching. i like it1
Comment by Amrita on July 10, 2008 at 10:19am
Dude........its great.
Comment by Vince on July 9, 2008 at 6:25pm
nice... *thumbs up*








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