Trying to pretend that everything is okay, that my life is fine, that i'm just doing great when the only truth is that my life suck's and i'm falling apart. but does it matter? no. cause no one will ever understand what i'm going through. why i'd rather be dead right now than carry on with my life. I know that my friends are trying their best. but is it enough?
I guess it's not. but I can't make them understand. there are few people who knows what makes my whole life like shit, but they… Continue
So today I had my final exam in English, and I had to speak with my tester about my life and my music project. it was a lot of fun! I really liked it. at first, while I was waiting outside I was kinda nervous, but then when I came into the class I felt better. that tester was so nice and lovely. she asked me about my family, my hobbies, of course music was always involved no matter what we were talking about. and I mentioned RJA when she asked me about the topic of my project! I told her that… Continue