The song is called "Behind These Walls" It's a slow song but not like overly. Let me know what you think pleasee :]

These walls know my secrets
that no one could keep
They've seen all the times
the times I would weep
For you, for you

This book holds the words
that no one would say
the story I wrote
I wrote everyday
for you, for you

Your words won't change things
They can't rearrange things
These wounds won't heal overnight
I just wish you would hear this right

Please don't leave me alone again
Can't find my way home again
You are my guiding light
But now you're fading out of sight
You leave me, memories and all
Behind these closing walls

These walls have seen the nights
that I spent dreaming of you
They've seen every fight
Every struggle I went through
For you, for you

This book just can't be read
The meaning is too strong
Not even when I'm dead
I've done it all wrong
For you, for you

Your words mean nothing
They won't change a damn thing
I'm so sick of this fight
I can't see who's right


Behind these walls
You'll find me
Running through these halls
You blind me again
I just can't win

So don't leave me alone again
Can't find my way home again
You are my guiding light
And you've never been so bright

Views: 11

Replies to This Discussion

wow thats pretty good, i mean its hard 2 think of the song being sung because i dont know the tune but good job anyway =]
I love the lyric, it almost made my cry :s

Especially the piece
"Your words mean nothing
They won't change a damn thing
I'm so sick of this fight
I can't see who's right"
... reminds me of the endless discussions about religion between me and me and my bf.

Your words won't change things
They can't rearrange things
These wounds won't heal overnight
I just wish you would hear this right

^ i love that part. i like the simplicity of these lyrics, its nothing mindblowing or complex but beautiful. basic yet meaningful metaphors... really nice!! i'd love to hear the tune
These walls know my secrets
that no one could keep
They've seen all the times
the times I would weep
For you, for you

love this part...
reminds me about the guy that i loved
and the times i cry because of him..
wow yay i think that it's good too =] I like to write songs as well...The one that i wrote and like the most is Called ''Tears Are Falling'' It's for all the plp that have died and for there family =] but for real your song is great =]









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