Writers Discussions (14)

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This is not a poem, it's not a song, the only thing i can think of it is true.

A broken heart will hurt for ever, Unless touched by an Angel And weather or not the lov eis true, It is better to loved and lost all, Then…

Started by Lulu(is lost in her head)

1 Oct 5, 2009

Lyrics that I wrote... Tell me what you think.

The song is called "Behind These Walls" It's a slow song but not like overly. Let me know what you think pleasee :] These walls know my se…

Started by Kelsey Marie

6 Aug 19, 2009

Teaser for a Story I'm Working On(Kingdom of the Immortal)

Hello all, I just wanted to show you what I've been up to in this down-time I've been having. Recently, I sent my final proof of Twins off…

Started by Nick ☮

2 Jul 29, 2009
Reply by Lulu(is lost in her head)

What if there is no answer?

not a song, not a poem, not a story, just something. i wrote this recently in about 15 minutes, it just came out all at once. and now i don…


0 Mar 13, 2009

Moving Forward in Reverse

This is one of my lyrics. I play it on accoustic guitar. It's a really slow song, and the intro is even slower. Let me know what you think…

Started by Ready_to_Jump

2 Mar 9, 2009
Reply by Ready_to_Jump

I want to become a author/writer.

and i would absolutely love if any of you were to read my book that i am in the process of writing, the problem is that i am too lazy to co…

Started by Kevin Mckrazy

0 Dec 18, 2008


This is a short story I'm working on. I chose this passage becasue I think it shows the plot pretty well..... tell me what you think, or if…

Started by Carla

3 Dec 15, 2008
Reply by Nick ☮

How do you get rid of writer's block?

i havent been able to write any poems since august. i really want to write again. how do i get rid of writer's block?

Started by hotrodjess

3 Dec 15, 2008
Reply by Nick ☮


Great re-awakening. what are you waiting for? its easy to blame someone else. what are you looking for? u already have it ALL. IN YOU!!…

Started by Marie

0 Aug 16, 2008

I had to get this out of my brain.

Writing while thinking. There are people. This is a fact. I see them, in every mirror, and everywhere. We consume, produce, and advertise.…

Started by Milza

0 Jul 4, 2008



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