I know! Shame, shame, shameee on me lol. I need to start picking up the slack lolol. OH MY GOODNEEESSS!!! Are you okay? That does not sound like fun, and not soo nice brothers! CURSE THEM. MUAWHHAHAHAHAHAHA
lol wow sounds fun!! tsk tsk the axe!!
And OMG r u ok!! Thats sounds soo painful!
And u still have to go to skool which sux even more!!
Brothers suck sometimes!! well mine does a lot!!
Lol! No, I do school online, with this website called Florida Virtual school. I have teachers that give me the lessons, but I basically go through them myself. They call every other month to tell my mom how I'm doing, and I haven't sent in enough work for like a certain amount of time... I get the AXE!!!! DUN! DUNN! DUNNNNNNNNNN! o_0
Lollol! Really?!?! I can't wait for school to finish, and I'm home schooled lol. O_O WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Yaaaaay for protesting! We'll make history. SCHOOLL"S OUT FOREVERRRR! =D
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