Misery Loves Its Company


Misery Loves Its Company

This group is for people who are struggling or going through a lot right now. Just vent about it, and talk to others who are suffering too. Im always here for you (:

Location: Everywhere
Members: 29
Latest Activity: Mar 9, 2013

It's OK

It’s okay to be upset about some of the things that are going on in your life, but with God you can become stronger.
So trust in him as your Savior. If you don’t know how…well, that’s what I’m here for. To help you!

Discussion Forum

Need To Talk? 25 Replies

Whatever’s going on just vent about it here. I everyone else will try our best to help YOU!Continue

Started by hAYden.. Last reply by Lulu(is lost in her head) Dec 21, 2009.


this is my challenge to you. i challenge you to help as many people as you know who are struggling.first, right now. write down the top 3 people's names you want to help.second, figure it out how…Continue

Started by hAYden.. Last reply by Lulu(is lost in her head) Dec 21, 2009.

Have you been cheated on? 6 Replies

Share the story bcuz I have too and i can help :D

Started by hAYden.. Last reply by Lulu(is lost in her head) Dec 20, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on November 2, 2009 at 11:59pm
i will but with josh so yeah.....
Comment by Alana on November 2, 2009 at 5:35pm
at least u have a guy!! :p and yaa u should probably break it off with one of them
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on November 1, 2009 at 9:48pm
i know...but like ALL the grate ''son in law's'' like me..but i like the bad boys ;] and i'm not all that much cuz i dont know how i could live with myself if i broke up with ANY one,,,but a beetter ;] hell I'D be the beeter...
Comment by hAYden. on October 29, 2009 at 6:11pm
yea but lulu thats called being selfish.
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 29, 2009 at 12:07am
no thats life...right now i'm cheatting on some one..not Vagelis but a guy named ''Josh'' i started dateding him like last year and for a long time i was really i love with him but i have lost that love.....and now i love anouther. Vagelis.
Comment by Alana on October 28, 2009 at 4:15pm
OMG thats horrible!!! :(
Comment by hAYden. on October 28, 2009 at 1:31pm
only linz knows bout this but my best guy friend whos liked me since 3rd grade n i started datin last yr n then he cheated on me. since 3rd grd hed been tellin me he lovd me n stuff.
thats y i stopped comin here 4 a while cuz i got rly torn up bout it.
Comment by Alana on October 27, 2009 at 7:50pm
wow my dad isssues arent as bad!! OMG that sux Sóley! but i think u did the right thing by telling someone about ur moms bf! i kind of have the same issue like lulu!! please dont tell anyone this cause im not suppost to tell anyone!! my mom and my dad have always fought!! my whole life thats wat i've grown up with and i think thats effected me a lot!! my mom has threatened to leave my dad soo many times and he says he'll change!! my dads an alcoholic so every couple of weekends he'll get drunk and yell at everyone!! when i was younger i would just cry when he yelled but now i yell back cause im soooo sick of him pushing everyone around!!! im probably going to hell 4 saying this but i hate my dad!! i wish my mom had left him a long time ago! now hes gotten worse and is drinking almost everyday!!! it just pisses me off how he says he'll change and he never does!! and how he says he loves me while he's still drinking!! soo many other things have happened like he has hitten me and i have called the cops but he doesnt care!! i learn to live with it i guess!
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 26, 2009 at 7:09pm
hay thats grate that you've told some one this =] my mom and dad split up when i was like 3 or 4, my mom moved and i thought there where split up forever, but now two babys later i see that was not true, there togother now but it was hard to see them fight, the main reson my mom left my dad was cuz she was soo mad she could have killed him, so there i was in perschool only seeing my dad once a week or so and when i did see him, i saw him and my mom fighting, i have an older bro and i fought with him cuz thats what i saw for the first 7 years of my life, and when i was 7 my dad had a good job and everthing was ''fine'' but they still fought, when i was 9 my dad took in Jesus and everthing became soo much better!!!! my mom did not date cuz she still loved my dad (good thing to!) when i was 10 my mom had a baby, his name is Zachary. Now that i look back my dad was angery and i see that i am too, i missed my dad and now i miss him again, about 7 months ago he wint over sea's to work and i am veary mad cuz he left out my mom on that choice, and she was bed ridan (is that how you spell it?) so my Daddy ''isuse'' are still going on!!!!! well lugz ya all byes =]
Comment by Sóley Riedel on October 25, 2009 at 1:47pm
sorry about your bf feesha :/ glad you worked it ouut =)
aand since we all seem to have daddy issues, and i fear yours might be alot different than mine, i thought maybe we should talk about them.
well, i've only known my dad for maybe 4 or 5 years of my life... he and my mom got divorced when i was only 2, but he stuck around for 3 or 4 years, got me and my sisters gifts for our birthdays and on christmas, we sometimes went to his place, wich was as i recall, a living room and one bunk for us to sleep in. there propably was a kitchen and bathroom, but i don't remember that.
then he just left. no phone number, address, nothing. i don't remember how i felt, i was so young. i do remember though how happy i was one time when i picked me up from kindergarden ,he was happy, hugged me , and acted like a real dad should. and that's the only thing i want to remember about him. my mom sometimes asks us if it has affected us in anyway, that we didn't have a father growing up. my sister always say no, and i to 2, but it has. i mean i don't even know how i feels to have a dad. i don't even know what he's suppose to do and my mom thinks that doesn't matter ! i've never told anyone this, not even my sisters. but my mom say that he had a gambling propblem and owed alot of money. he also stole something from where he worked, a job my grandfather got him. i've never seen any pictures from their wedding. i've seen her ring, so i know they were married. i guess she threw them away..
my mom got a new boyfriend 4 years ago, it was really weird at first. i was in shock and didn't want this stranger in my house. it felt like he was taking away my mom. but then i got to know him and he was a good guy, except for the time he pushed my sister and i told me friend who told her mother who called that children protection whatever and got my mom to almost hate me and the whole town to hate him and after that he was alway pretty angry and that messed me up real good, but i never got used to calling him dad. i tried it once or twice but it just felt wrong and weird. they split up 3 years later and that was alot of drama. okay wow i've been typing i bit much :') well that's part of the reason why i'm a bit messed up, and now i feel really weird sharing this with the world, so please don't judge me.. ;/

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