Share the story bcuz I have too and i can help :D

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i have. he also left me with bruises when i broke up with him cos i was tired of his shit.
he's out of my life and, through mutual friends, i know he's not happy about it.
i love the thought of karma kicking his ass. (:
i'm sure the person that was cheeting on any one did one of theese things..
1. they did not wana brake up with you cuz they did not wana hurt you
2. they met you and then met some one they loved more(then 1)
3. they did not love you at all
4. they wanted to get knowen in the school ( have a face make outher's wahned them)
5. you need to open your eyes and see who you are dateing(!!!!!!!)
6. they have no brain.

i am cheeting ,reson 1and 2, i have a split heart and i do not know what to do. the one (josh) i havve been dateing for 1 1/2 years and i just met Vagelis on here. if you have anything that may help me plz say it but remember i am a real person.
Lulu here's some wise advice i got: "The word loved is not a true word. Because if you loved someone and lost it then it was not true love."
You know Josh in person, and u dont know Vagelis. Im not trying to offend anyone but how do you know he is who he says he is?
thats the thing..but i do love him, i feel as if i do know him off screen but i dont.. and how can the word love not be true if God love us so? anyways lugz ya byes..........
LOVED isnt true lulu. u truly love someone once u love them 4ever.
i did it..i broke up with josh..ARE YOU HAPPY NOW??!!!!!!!









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