Alright, so as most of us know, Ronnie and the guys have a knack for playing band covers at a lot of their shows--anything from Blink to Staind. I want to hear your ideas about what you think RJA should cover next, and why!
Personally, I think TRJA needs to cover Umbrella by Rihanna because it's probably one of the coolest songs to cover... EVER, and I also think a cover of Stolen by Dashboard Confessionals would be really cool :) I can totally see Ronnie singing it out like only he can do. Also, I think a cover of Three Cheers for Five Years would be AMAZING because of Ronnie's voice as well, the acoustic edition of course. Oh, and also a Muse song, haha :) doesn't really matter which one.
What about you?

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I think that they should cover the song Pain by Three Days Grace :D.
it's an amazing song, and i'm dying to hear Ronnie singing that.
i totally agree on this!!!!! or maybe Never Too Late by Three Days Grace, Ronnie would definitely rock it!
thats awesome, they should record them professionally xP and yea they should cover 3dg, and "I Miss You" by Blink 182 (If they did I think I would cry because im so happy XD)
Oh man, I'll have to think about this one..
i totally think they should do monkey wrench by the foo fighters lol

that song kicks major ass
i'd like to hear them cover a nighwish song;)
i could never see them doing it but that's why they should!!!
that would be interesting to see lol :D
I also wanna see them on rockband xD That would be so awesome =D









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