The first show I've seen of them was at warped tour and me and my friend were waiting in line to get in and Ronnie passed by and said something like "see you there" and pointed at our shirts. We were speachless xD
Second time I saw them I met Elias. He signed my cd booklet and my concert ticket. Also got a picture with him. Me and my frineds kept coming back to him and trying to talk to him. haha. He might have gotten a little annoyed but it was worth it x]

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I met joey first when my friend and i were leaving a show in Ohio in alley behind the club where they were playing.. That same friend and I met the whole band before a show in Grand Rapids... Meeting them was so amazing and best nights of my life..
Yeah...I've met them a few times....
at Warped...and at this TV show...

they're lovely, for sure.

aww ashley your group picture rules =]
Thank you so much.. I agree with you that they are lovely... I want to meet them again
ive met them 3 times and each time was memorable because of things that happened
damn! nice! yeah they are x]
I haven't even BEEN to 14 shows yet haha xP
yes, I need to go to more.
I've only been to seven... I'm going to taste of chaos in march though xD
FOURTEEN? Dayummm....!
I met all five of them, they autographed there pic and I talked to ronnie for like 5 minutes about music and how i was going to be front row for there show no matter what. and then I also talked to Elias in minneapolis one time as we were walkin down the streets. It was pretty damn tight.
i've never met them in person but i've tlakto them on the fone. my two best friends went to the concert and i couldn't go so they had the band call me and we spend like and hour on the fone, my best friends though obviously met them, and they took amazing pics, and even had one of Ronnie of the fone with me. they got a lot of stuff signed too, vicky got elias's guitar pick and got that signed and thye got the CD signed and stuff.
i met them all twice, except Ronnie, i've met him once.
YES! And it was just recently! I went to their acoustic tour at Common Grounds in Gainesville, Florida and my mom was outside of the concert building having a smoke while I was inside watching the opening act perform. And she saw them and got them to sign an autograph for me and I met elias, his girlfriend kirsten, ronnie, jon, and steve I was so nervous and scared and I barely said anything which I regret a whole lot.









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