the song
"Your Guardian angel mean to you?"
who is your guardian angel?

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Come to think of it...RJA is my gaurdian angel, too.
Just MUSIC in corny as it sounds, it get's me through.
Thanks, musicians =]
HAHAHAHAHa ugh... its been my soundtrack recently. =]
helps..... LOADS!
Your Guardian Angel.. its the one song that every person has wanted to write, but could never find the words to express it.

But Ronnie conquered it!

I don't really have a guardian angel...
It means true love to me.

My Guardian Angel is Andrew Richmond...Last, loneliest, loveliest, exquisite, apart....
My Guardian a somebody that I was blessed to have come into my life. No, my angel isnt my boyfriend or my father. My Guardian Angel is my brother Micheal Peek. Growing up we were always together. He taught me everything I kno. He made me the person I am today. He inspired me to continue with my music even though my life has been rough and i thought i couldnt sing or play ever again. But I did. Unfortualty he joined the Army and wasnt around when i started highschool...when i needed him most. Last year on March 3rd, 2007 my brother died by an IED bomb in Iraq. You cant imagine how depressed I was. I had lost my only confidon, the only person I fully trusted, the one person who believed in me when no one else did. Even tho he is gone, I still think of him everyday. The song your guardian angel reminds me of all the things we did, all the happy memories we had. Hes my brother, my bestfriend, my hero, and now he really is my guardian angel =)









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