What's your fav RJA song quote or any quote for that matter???

Mine is from The Grim Goodbye!!!
"You can say you know me, but you have no clue what my dreams could show you."---- I love that!!!!

Let me know....I'm curious!!!! =)

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ohh for non RJA..
Keith Urban- Stupid Boy "she was everything beautiful, and different"...i want to get that tattooed on me probably in spanish
he says he loves her but she's probably only looking for sehhhhhhhhhh........
-brand new.

just love the way its said not for any purpose of substance.
From their Don't You Fake It album, I must say Your Guardian Angel had the greatest impact on me. I love the lyrics "I will never let you fall. I'll stand up for you forever. I'll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me to heaven."

And from their Lonely Road album, my most favorite are the lyrics "What can I say to you to let you know everyday I am grateful? If I could just turn back time or make it rewind I will find you when we were younger so we could spend more time on earth together, longer" from Step Right Up. I even send this lyrics to my friends every night before I go to sleep. LOL
"Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change
And it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change
Cu-cu-cu-'cause you know...
It's sacrifice
False pretense you'll learn again
Stop pretending don't deny it
False pretense you'll learn again"
-False Pretense
i dedicate this song to my friend..who i trust so much but betrayed me!
from the new album...
"so take this seed an let it grow" lonely road
"my heart is an easy thing for you to hit" step right up

mine would have to be:

Step right up
Shoot an arrow at the target
My heart is an easy thing for you to hit
Don't worry
If you miss I'll let you shoot again
My heart is an easy thing for you to win

it's like saying hey i'll be yours but you gotta go work for it. it was my myspace headline for quite some time till it just disappeared one day w/o me knowing exactly why, i guess myspace sucks bad sometimes.

also, i love every single word to the song Atrophy. Ive come to realize that you can make a poem out of every RJA Song, makes you really proud you're one of their true fans. =)
Well i love lots of lyrics and quote them often in writings and they are so powerful in everyday life. They are God expressed, so they are uber powerful.
I think that the lyric, "With a little help from above, and a sprinkling of love"
is so true because God love is felt in that way. from 3-25-09



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