um... in the hot topic near my place they replaced the RJA cd's with JUSTIN BIEBER. 
(me: WTF???)

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f*ck justin
i KNOW!!!
Justin Bieber CD's shouldn't even be in the same room as RJA.
i don't despise people who like that kid-who-hasn't-reached-puberty-who-looks-like-a-girl-to-me but replacing RJA cd's with the beaver kid is actually a huge insult.

it's like comparing incomparable things.
agreed lol he does have talent though ill give him that he been playing guitar a while i actually seen the youtube vids before he was singing for real and got signed hes used to not be too bad of a person
people seem to LOVE prepubescent guys right now. sigh.
Let's support ROCK music other than that kid who always get hit in the head and plays girlie songs. :)
uuuugggghhhh that is just really crazy..... like that shouldn't even happen rja deserves more respect
That's disgusting, replacing a group of the most talented people in the world with him? Eurgh.
OMG they are fiends.
I think world wars one and two ( I hope there won't be 3) are the worsts things that happened in this world....and this is next, the Justin BULLSHIT thing!
F*CKIN' JUSTIN!!! ...(hey, that rhymes. anyway, not the point.) THAT PISSES ME OFF!!! It's like people have never heard music before. Like REAL music. Some brat who makes 36,000,000+ a year and has a girl's voice is not what i consider MUZIK!!!!! grrrrr..... WTF?! I don't even know what to say. I am so disgusted and... and truly disappointed. You know what? I pity every human being that has not had the pleasure of listening to this truly talented band. If you want to kill your brain cells, go ahead and listen to the beaver!!!! It's your loss... ~mumble mumble~









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