What do you think is the reason why you love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus??

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most definately because they are from my town.
jacksonville. :]]
you ahve to love rja becuase there so down to earth and no matter what the cirsumstances are they always make time for there fans and they are so nice when you met them and there stuck up and think there better then otehr bands. there powerful lyrics and amazing and most every song relates to people and there jsut so amazing
Gahhhh. Ilovetheredjumpsuitapparatussomuch!

Also, I'm from Jacksonville.
well, i listened to them at the right time, before the whole thing of "oh not them, stay away they suck, it's crap music" stuff could be said to me, cause i normally don't go fot their kind of music.
but i love them musically, instrumentally, lyricly, as musicians.
i hear their songs and think "so that's what it's like to have a good drummer"
the lyrical genious of ronnie, writing a song describing your love like a seat, amazing
other lyrics are amazing, the depth.
the way the drummer can come up with different ways to accentuate the other instruments
the military snare style of cat and mouse - not usual in rock, but for a slow song, works really well
fast songs, and slow songs.
up beat, with meaning.
the lyrics speak out to the listener, i listen to the songs, and i'm listening to the lyrics, and i wish i could write lyrics as good as ronnie.
the rhythm section is so set in place, and the guitars, sometimes simple yet so effective.
melodies - awesome, easy to sing along to.

i'll stop now. but yeah, i think they're pretty cool, and i don't really care about haters.
Their music is so beautiful and meaningful.
It's so easy to sing to and when I'm feeling down I listen to it.
It makes me happy.
I heard thier songs and i felt like i could relate to them ... before i knew who they were i knew their songs and loved them . But they make me feel stronger , and determined to get through anything that i might come up against . i love them for their , beat , lyrics , and just for being themselves .
Their music is fantastic!
I agree to that!

greatest band ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are deffintley not the only one who has had to buy the cd more then once hahaha ive bought it atleast more then 23 times hahah im not even kidding hahaha. its amazing <3!
Their lyrics are really powerfull and they're so full of energy. their music rocks, just every thing about them makes me love them :D
The music is amazing.. and for the awesome show they put on in orlando that made my 18th birthday unforgetable.. :)
Because out of their whole album there are at least two or three song s that everybody can really connect with.



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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