Ok so all of you know we have know decided bi weekly on stickam conferences. Unfortunately all of us are swimming in finals atm. I know I have my final two finals for my online courses this week which will require me to study and prep. So i was unable to talk to all of you but i did talk to a few. We thought the date for December the 14th would be the best bet. If there's a problem with that. Someone else can head a meeting for the stickam chat and you guys can brainstorm ideas together. Then the poeple who couldn't come to that one could brainstorm ideas on the 14th.

so as it stands I'll be head of
at 6:00-6:30 EST.

so any question or anything message any of the promo team members.

write down your ideas so you don't forget them
and we're already on our way to making this website great

so thanks to everyone for helping out.

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something came up and im not gunna be able to make it. im sure you can fill me in later.
My finals' week IS next week so idk if I'll be able to log in. Nevertheless I'll try, of course. But if I can't, can someone just tell me what I can do about the logo?
yea haha i sent out the email last night D:
ill try to make it as well, only if im not loaded with review crap for finals. my finals start next week on wednesday
please pay attention to your emails, as if the date is changed you will be notified by email. thanks!
It has changed for this thursday!
December 10,2009
at 6-6:30PM EST

If you CANNOT make it and have idea please email them the email and we'll discuss your ideas and relay them to you.

Thank you!
Y'all know my suggestion about the logo, right? At least those of you who's got access on rjapromotion (gmail). I even attached a sample picture. Let me know what you think, Punkin.
duke's day ;)



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