i don't know if anyone of you have seen this before, i just thought it would be fun to bring it here, it's called the Yes or No Game. Basically a person just asks a yes or no question and another person answers!! Simple as that! So I'll start one now..

will you marry me?

lol just kidding!

do u like watching NBA?

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let's just say... my grandma gives me skirt hangers for presents

do you name inanimate objects?
well there was a time when the doors and walls just popped up wherever i was walking .. so yes, i started naming them. i think they felt lonely, coz after i named them, they stopped getting in my way. :D

have you ever listened to music for more then 5 hrs, non stop?
yep! did that when i was in college....when my brother's gf gave me an mp3 player...so from where i'm studying to my home in manila was an 8hr trip so it was more than 5 hrs....

have you ever dissected a shark?
no! couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't. lol. ;]

can you juggle?
tried and failed miserably........aka repeatedly hit myself on the head with fruit :)

what's the randomest thing you've ever done?
hey you're suppose to ask a yes or no question. you're breaking the chain!
get back to the line please..

let's start over again..

do you always keep your room neat and clean?
sorry about that
haha yeah don't break the chain!

do i always keep my room neat and clean?

yes of course!

are you twittering?
yeeessss!!!!! super twittering!

did you ever pick your nose in front of many people?
yes sometimes! lol and then people will give me a disdain look, but i was like:
"what the fuck r u lookin' at? why, aren't you doing it too?" :P

are you afraid to die?
sometimes yes, sometimes no.... sometimes i want to die right then and there...

did you ever fail in any mathematics subject you had?

have you ever made a huge deal out of something when it's really something small?



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