Go Radio - Awesome
Fit for Rivals - Kicked ass....they are awesome, and hope they get famous!!!!
RJA - Amazing as always

Crowd was lame and boring..and everyone just like stood there....which i have never seen at any rja show.

House of blues was gay and took away everyones cameras....any other venue ive been to, they never do that. and ive been to the house of blues multiple times and they never have done that.

Was anyone there? What was your opinion?? i just realized that opinion and onion are like the same word haha....now i dont like that word. lol

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i thought you'd fallen off the face of the planet lol
Yep...I'd fallen and I couldn't get up!!! LOL

You know only major surgery could make me miss an RJA show. You know I would have been there if not. I hope you guys had enough fun for me and Megan. it kills me to know I missed "half" of Angels Cry :(
he played "Angels cry"...what?! remember last year when i asked him about that song and I was like "I know you don't play it" and he was all "ya that song isn't cool with me" and he told me he played it for a florida show during the U&U tour. That must have been really hard for him.
I got a survery from the HOB to fill out regarding the show. I gave the bands/show GREAT comments, but mentioned that the security staff at the entry was rude and it was pretty unorganized especially considering the downpour! Of course it was worth waiting the rain to see RJA! ;)
same here!!! i did the same thing.. i said that other venues do not take away cameras and they should change that...and about the staff being rude



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