They are going to give me a heart attack due to the rush and scramble(not to mention excitement) I go through trying to figure out I'm gunna get to these shows last min.

First the surprise one in Tallahassee, FL on April 29th that I only found out about 24 hours before the concert. I'm in Tallahassee most of the year for school and not many bands come to Tallahassee more than once a year or once every 2 years and this was their 2nd show there in the space of 5 months

Then now, surprise show number two in St. Petersburg, FL on Saturday (97X Memorial Day BBQ) that I only found at about yesterday and it just so happens that I am going home to Plant City,FL(about 45mins away) this weekend for my mom's birthday and another concert and had nothing planned on Sat. so I get to see them Sat. too.

I looked at the tour dates and its not listed, because the Alabama one is listed twice but they are only playing on Friday according to the festival website not both Friday and Saturday

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mayyyybeee they willll ;)
i'm still hoping to see them in Australia. the last time they were in Melbourne i had school....GGGGRRRRR >:(
i was in fits!!!!
i keep hearing about other people going to their concerts once in a while and i'm getting soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!!!!
Yeah I didn't find out about St. Pete until it was too late and I heard about Talley thru Go Radio so I at least made that one!
if you want to read my recap of the show its on:

its actually about my whole weekend so really you only need to read paragraphs 8-10 and then the last two paragrahs. those are the only ones RJA involved

my pics from the concert(opening bands and rja):
i just realized this show was number 11 for me. i cant believe i didnt know when i hit 10 shows. oh well show number 10 in Tallahassee was epic. actually the whole week of that concert was epic.
yeah tally was great. but if i didnt normally check the venue's website (i live here) to see who's playing, i probably wouldnt have known about it!!









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