Well with the guys last gig played in Perth today, Soundwave Australia 2009 draws to an end. Farewell from Australia, we look forward to seeing you again this August!

I would like to share with you all my first experience of seeing the guys of RJA playing live. For some people it has already been a reality, for others its a dream waiting to come true... for me its a dream i would like to re-live again!

It was Saturday 28th Feb! I have been waiting for this day in over a year and a half. Myself and my girlfriend have always liked RJA and have been dying for them to come to our home town of Adelaide, in South Australia. They were set to play at 4pm on stage 2 and the anticipation grew larger. We got there roughly an hour before they played to buy some t-shirts. (We are now the proud owners of 4 RJA t-shirts, including 2 Guardian Angel Foundation t-shirts!!! They were both a little too big but we still bought them anyways because they are for a great cause!) We both knew it wasn't too long until we would get to experience what we have both been waiting for, the most important band of them all to play... The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus!

We were nearly at front row just near the stage and they came on to set up! Oh my god there they were! The people i idolise were right there in front of me on that stage. My favourite band in the world were about to play the songs that are of inspiration to me and have been ever since i heard them! I was so excited! The first song they played was "Damn Regret" and boy did they kick it up!!! I can honestly say they are what i expected and more. The crowd were so involved in the music and in between songs Ronnie was chatting to the crowd. I can't remember all the songs they played but i remember them playing "Face Down" and "You Better Pray." It was such a great experience and i must say it was so overwhelming for me that i felt emotion that they were actually in front of me playing their music. It was something i had waited for, for so long and it was finally a dream come true.

I would like to thank them for playing at Soundwave Australia, in particular Adelaide. I can thankfully say i have seen my favourite band play live. Its just a pity i couldn't get to meet them personally because i had both albums with me to sign and some t-shirts. But i couldn't really ask for anything more! Below i have attached some photo's. I have more on my page so feel free to check them out plus i have quite a few more which i haven't yet uploaded!


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I have some more great news as well. I am at work today and this morning on a leading radio station in South Australia called NOVA they played for the first time a song from the guys. The song was "Pleads & Postcards.: When i heard it i thought it was my album playing in our sound boards but i knew i hadn't put it in today. Sure enough when checking what it was it was playing through the radio!!! Congratulations guys it's about time our radio stations here play some decent music!!!
My apologies, the song was "Pen & Paper" and i heard it at least twice, it was great!!! :)
Hey Mark, I'm sorry we didn't get to meet you but I appreciate your dedication to RJA, you rock brotha....-=Ron
August??? really where and when??? where did you get that info from ??

it would be great if you could let me know if you know if TRJA are coming to Perth.

xx namyong
Ronnie said it in between playing one of their awesome songs my friend ;) Im dying to hear of more details too i think we will have to sit tight and wait until they release some more info! I wonder if they will have a special meet and greet for their fans?
ohhhhh. awesome yeah that would be completely awesome if they had a meet and greet, and hopefull if they come to Australia they dont miss Perth.

thanks for that
You are very lucky I have loved RJA for 4 years and I still havent seen them yet I try but everytime they come close I am always somewhere else it is my dream to see them one day they have gotten me through so much and its also my dream to meet Ronnie his lyrics inspire me so much. I really hope one day I get to see them.



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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