Mechanics for the Upcoming RJA Show/Tour in Manila and Meet & Greet Passes

Here’s the mechanics for the upcoming show of the RJA here in Manila.

1. Purchase any requirements/items within Glorietta at Link Building, Park Square 1 either on March 6 or 7 worth Php 500.00 and above, single or accumulated receipt.
2. Exchange your receipts to get the ticket on March 7 only, Saturday, 10 am.

There are only 200 seats available and it’s a first come first serve basis.
Php 500.00 is equivalent to one seat.

1. Purchase any items worth Php 1,500.00 single receipt within Trinoma or Php 1,000.00 single receipt (minimum) at third level only.
2. Receipts are equivalent to two (2) seats.
3. Tickets should be claim one day before the show, which is March 07, Saturday.

There are 200 seats available but since the minimum receipts are equivalent to two (2) seats, we only have 100 slots at Trinoma.

Ayala Malls A-Card Holder will have the privilege to avail the above mentioned passes. How to get the A-Card? Present your receipt worth Php 10,000.00 within six (6) months at A-Card Concierge/Booth together with one (1) valid id and Php 300.00. The first 20 who will present the said card will have the chance to meet and greet the band.
The first six to claim the tickets will get the passes (not the final mechanics yet).

Note: This for Glorietta & Trinoma only. I’ll update this thread to post the mechanics for the show at the other venues as soon as I get the details. But for those who know how we can watch the show, please share us the details. It’ll be highly appreciated. Thanks!

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Posters like that make me go "errr... O_O"

"Get stage passes to meet the band" daw tapos biglang kailangan mong gumastos ng 10k... Bakit kasi ang mahal... :(
panu namn kung sa march 5 bumili na ako pede ba mapapalit ng ticket mismo sa 5 rin pra ready sa market market kac may pasok ako
Sabi nung kumausap sa akin, hindi daw... March 6 lang daw pwedeng i-claim yung ticket. :(
- Yes, there's specific dates when can you claim the tickets...
tumawag kanina umga sabi daw pede sa 6 bumili tapos papalet kaso sa tingin ko ubos na seat ng 5pm hahah
d nalng ako papasok sa 6 pra makanood lang hahahah yari ako sa tatay ko haha
cnu cnu pupuntah sa market market meet lahat ng mga hena nga ko ng alliance logo ehhehe sana kitakits tayu dun heheheh
trinoms and glorietts ako and my cousin... we're planning on having hena tattoos too!
anong items nman kailngan bilin pra sa glorieta?
any items as long as it's worth 500. i know if you buy 1000 worth of purchases kahit hindi single receipt, that's equal to two seats.
dba sa market market ung sa march 6?
eh ano nman kailangan gawin dun?
shete!!wala bang magpapromo na lang sa tv o radio man??!!kahit promo lang....kasi napakamahal..okay sana kung robinson o sm lang yan kasi mas cheap dun eh..txaka...pwede naman firstc ome..first serve na lang..grrr!!unfair...kalechehan ng glorietta at trinomang yan!!









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