hi im rachelle from the philippines,im a really avid fan of the the red jumpsuit apparatus...i really love them and their songs,i hope that theyre come here in the phils...and by the way,why elias left the band?i miss him....

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I know the answer to this one, but I don't have time to write it! I'll be back (=
Why miss a guy you barely know?

Elias is not the life of the band. Respect him and his decisions for leaving. No one can change the fact the he has left the band except for himself if he decides to rejoin which I highly doubt.

And no, RJA will, in all honesty, get better and better without Elias.
i agree with king. elias was not the whole band. he was just a small fraction of what made up the band. yes.....elias is very talented, a great guitar player, but that doesn't mean that without him the band won't go on to make the same great music that they have made, or even greater music. u have to remember, this band has been through many band member changes since the start of it all and the meat and potatoes of the band have remained thru and thru (ronnie and duke). as far as the specifics on why elias is no longer a part of the band, i really don't think its anyones business to know. Ronnie said he had not been with the band for a lil while and kinda left it at that and I think that is the way that it should remain unless elias comes out and makes a statement about it. it wouldn't be right for a member of the band to say specifics of why......its really not right. and those who do know the "real" story were the only ones meant to know. besides, they are still a band and they are going to continue to make great music with or without elias.
ok ok, thanks guys. im just disappointed cuz elias is my favorite in the band, of course i love them all.... i love their music. and im really disappointed cuz they're coming over to my country, Philippines by March... i was finally delighted i could get to watch them perform first time ever here...but elias wouldnt be with them... :( how ironic, ive been waiting all my life. anyway, i still luv rja...ALL YOU FILIPINOS ROCK ON WITH RJA :)
elias really added so much to the band
their new stuff isnt the same
it seems too popish and synthy
theres still some good songs
but nothing like the stuff they did on dont you fake it
i dont really know if this was a result of elias leaving or not
but i really think his lead guitar added a whole lot to the music
yah, i saw elias' name in the album at the bottom of the lyrics part.
well, rja don't stick to one genre right? of course they have different inspirations and music changes. It isn't one's fault why the new songs aren't the same like the DYFI one. yeah he is pretty good, but that's just life you know.
well dear it's gonna take a lot of getting used to but the band is still what they are. i love elias and still wish him the best after rja, but i love the band more =). it's just so sad we won't be seeing him when the rja hit the country this march. i didnt become a fan bec of him but im still gonna miss him. =(
i think they're pretty ok, you know, don't hang around too long and move on... the best way? ask them in person :)
I was sad too coz I loved how he sings as well... But RJA is still RJA. I may become devastated if 2, 3, or worse, 4 left the band. But it didn't happen. :) Only one man left the band, and that's only 1/5. RJA still rocks my socks, even if they're only 4, officially. Elias' departure didn't affect the band's new sound. He was with them when they wrote and recorded the new album, right?
but elias is a good great lead guitarist!!!!! he shoudn't leave!!!



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