Long Live The Alliance

A kid came up to me now just the other day
And asked me if I'd thought about what I would say
If everything came crashing down on top of me
How would I stay pure?

Will you represent
Who you stand for
Will they shame you
Will they blame you

It's funny how the words of a child can be
Simple, though the thought there is so meaningful
It makes me wonder what I would say to me
Through the eyes of another

Will you represent
Who you stand for
Will they shame you
Will they blame you

There's a consequence
For the path you chose
Will they change you
Will they make you who you are not

Let the free world light the way
In these times of darkened days
Let the free world light the way

You will represent
Who you stand for
They wont shame you
They wont change you

There's a consequence
For the path you chose
They can't change you
They can't make you who you are not

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i love the song.

i think what makes this band so absolutely amazing is the fact that the guys never just "throw" some unmeaningful lyrics together to make a song, to be played on the radio. Everything they write has a meaning, comes from something true, an experience, a moment in a time in their lives that they can reflect back on.

I don't feel that there are too many bands out there who can actually touch their fans with their music the way that rja has and will continue to do so in the future.

rock on guys and I will see you friday in tallahassee!!
i agree =D
you took the words right off my head. :)
honestly words can not describe the amazing talent ronnie has vocally and ecspecially lyricly everyone else should just give up writing songs because they will always be a distantttttttt second to him
one great song here...great poetry...great music..... i totally relate to the song.......
Amazing? Yes.
Love it.

i love this song

i love the violin in the special *_*

this song just rocks so hard.. simply awesome.. im soo totally grateful that i actually learned how to play this song.. it was like a miracle when i suddenly got the first chord just after a few seconds of holding my guitar.. i was like, "damn!! i got it !!!" IF WANNA LEARN HOW, CLICK HERE GUYS.. :) *sigh.. words cant explain how much im loving RJA right now.. WAAAAAHHHH !!!!!!!! God Bless the RJA !! [\m/] //_^ [\m/]
the hottest song right now =)
i love this song!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!
I like this song b/c I think there are many ways we can interepret it: we all have different things we stand for and there should never be shame in believing in something that moves you, motivates you, inspires you.



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

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Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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