Here it is - the FREE download (w/ lyrics) of "Pen & Paper" from RJA's upcoming album Lonely Road (2/3/09), right here, right now.
Just right click on the file below, save and there you go (you can also find the track in the music section).
Play loud and tell all your friends.
Happy Holidays from RJA!!

Pen & Paper

This whole routine is getting old
So am I, and so are you
My reputation lets me know
I can do whatever I want to

Though it seems that you believe
You can do whatever it is you please
Not before, not before you wind up on your knees

Don’t cry to me no more

You like the way
That people stare at you now
But you look so fake
Just thought that you should know
You're all the same
And when the curtain drops down
You'll be replaced
By something typical

You set yourself up to be sold
And that’s ok, cause that’s your role
Manipulation takes its toll
What will you do when nobody wants you?

Though its seems that you believe
You can do whatever it is you please
Not before, not before you wind up on your knees

Don’t cry to me no more

You like the way
That people stare at you now
But you look so fake
Just thought that you should know
You're all the same
And when the curtain drops down
You'll be replaced
By something typical

I know I've stood so long beside you
And I know I should have left you
Right where I have found you
I know I've stood so long beside you
And I know I should have left you
Right where I have found you

You like the way
That people stare at you now
But you look so fake
Just thought that you should know
You're all the same
And when the curtain drops down
You'll be replaced
By something typical

Views: 342


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omg i love this song... its awesome!! =)
wow this is great. thanks for the download!!!!! you guys rock, happy holidays :)
Woohoo!! I love this song xD
Thanx for the download!!!
Thanks, Mr. GMM ;o)
pretty rad
thanks =D
i love this song!!
it's been stuck in my head for the past week ( :
it w0nt let me savE it!!!!!!!
thanks for the free download. love the song guys. happy holidays to you all. xxxx
OM to the G!!!!!! I am having a heart attack right now...It's being evil and isn't opening/saving (stupid old computer). AHHH!! I am dying while waiting in utter and complete suspension! I am FREAKING OUT!! *shrieks*
thanks for the free download!
I can't download it...
Not even when I right click

I have firefox.









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