stories about how RJA helped you or made you happy or anything of that nature

so i was doing another discussion and i was thinking about how i blasted "face down" the last time i saw my dad and it honestly gave me courage. i doubt i would have been able to just leave if "face down" wasnt ever made.

sooo i want to know any stories of how their music has helped you get by or made your day or something. :)

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Replies to This Discussion im a ordinary lonely girl...everyday my only companion in my home is everyday i decided to hear their songs..any completes my day and i love it
i first discovered RJA in november of 2006. i didn't give them my heart until i saw them and met them twice in one weekend in feb of 2007. they were so nice and made me feel like i was the only one there waiting for their autograph/pic.

in june of 2007 i had gastric bypass. RJA's music was the only thing that kept me sane during that time and it really helped me get through the times during the first few months after the surgery when i was so depressed and sick of eating only mashed potatos. i remember crying because my mom and the doctor told me i couldnt go to warped tour and see them because it was too soon after the surgery. i dont know how i would gotten through that time in my life without them.

on the one year anniversary of my gastric bypass i got love with angels wings tattooed on my arm(i posted a picture in the rja tatto thread) to always remind me of RJA and how they gave me the strength to make it throufgh that tough time in my life
rja saved my life. your guardian angel, i play it each time i get hurt, it gives me hope. the members themselves also give me hope that not all men are evil disgusting creeps who will hurt me, since they stand up against violence to women. they are my love, my hope, my saviours.
I don't have an amazing story of how they saved me from all the bad in my life, but I will tell you that they have given me all the good to look back on and to look forward to. Time isn't charted as month to month for me. It is layed out as a timeline of RJA events. Good times are referred to by the show and the friends I shared it with. The future by what show I will be attending next. Anytime I hear their songs makes my day. Anyone who has ever been in my car will tell you the cd never leaves. It's like oxygen to me.

I do remember how special it felt hearing Face Down over a loudspeaker in a mall in Las Vegas (thinking 3 stories of people are all listening to RJA right now), hearing a clip of Cat and Mouse on TV in the early days, being in Circuit City and having some kid playing Madden Football and RJA blasting unexpectedly, or walking into FYE at our mall and seeing their display on the wall (knowing that a few months earlier Joey was working behind the counter). Those are stand-out moments that just brighten your day.
i remember when i first heard face down playing in the mall. :D i was with my best friend and we both freaked out, we were singing it at the top of our lungs and we made some little kid cry. i guess we scaried the poor kid. haha.









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