K. It goes like this.....you go through the alphabet starting from A all the way down to Z naming bands that start with the letter you're on.
I'll start =]


now someone do B!!!!!!!!

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but you forgot J
ok i go for the j..
j-jump 5
a= apocalyptica
b=bowling for soup or boys like girls
c=creed or ccr
d=def leopord
f=flyleaf or five for fighting
g=good charlotte
i=isley brothers
j=jimmy hendrix
k=korn or killers
l=led zeppelin
m=metallica or my chemical romance
p=paramore or panic! at the disco
r=red jumpsuit apparatus or red hot chilli peppers
v=van halen
w=white stripes
y=yellow card
z=zz top

there is a-z it was fun. lol luvs <324951786

-a famous filipino band and its famous for asia
I- Incubus
thats not nice lol.
everyone is supposed to try.
a= alice in chains
b= breaking benjamin
c= corrosion of conformity
d= dream theater
e= everclear
f= foo fighters
g= grip inc
h= hole
i= incubus
j= jerry cantrell
k= korn
l= liquid tension experiment
m= megadeth
n= nirvana
o= offspring
p= pearl jam
q= queens of the stoneage
r= (rja of course) Rush
s= smile empty soul
t= testament
u= underoath
v= veruca salt
w= weezer
x= X-japan
y= yes
z= zwan
J - Journey
K- Korn
L-Lynnard Skinnard [or however its spelled!]
M-Marquis of Vaudeville
New Kids on the Block :)



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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