..plz share your knowledge about rja THAT WE DIDN'T KNOWN!!

ok i start first
..in our country..rja is nominated for favorite international music videos..sadly they didn't win...:-(because of mcr and the click 5...hmmmmppppp

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oke sxcks mcr... is shit
well.. a fact bout rja..

i don't really know..
i know some facts.. but not facts ppl don't know
maby someone knows a fact from when theye were in holland??
didnt you know that ronnie winter, the vocalist, is already married...
and elias reidy, the lead guitarist is already engaged...
how sad for us girls....
..i know that....our local dj in here says that..and its so sad for us..hahaha
Well, let's see if I can come up with something that very few know. *scratches head* Hmmmm?

Okay. Tell me by typing in a reply, just how many of you did or did not know this.

I know you've all seen this pic before. I have seen it at least a bazillion times in buzznet, photobucket, and at least a few hundred times redone into collages and whatnot.

But did you know that it originally had 6 people in it?

Now come on. Someone else add some info. I'm dying to learn more :)
..i will make a wild guess on it...i think the photographer wants a fan of rja on it in picture..but,they will cut it on the last minute on it...hahaha..hey..thisn't the correct answer..but it is my wild guess..hahaha



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