what kind of concerts are more fun to go to?
rock or rap?
i think rock is better.

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Huh? I can't hear ya! Let me turn down this rock music. By far rock is better!
i've been to both.
local hip hop artists aren't too bad.
nothing like rock.

then again you see the big hip hop artists, usher and stuffs, and when they play live all they do is jump up and down wave there hands in the air and direct their mics at the crowd, rather then performing.
i've seen people with more talent in their little finger then some hip hop acts.
Can I give you a thumbs up?
I have never been to a rap concert.. probably never will.
but. Personally I would think Rock are wayy better. I've been to quite a few and I had soo much adrenaline. I doubt that happens at rap concerts. but what do I know? Lol.
i've been to a local rap one and it was ok. i'd say the rock one is better. i've been to diff types of concerts and so far the industrial ones are the best. everyone is dancing which makes it really fun.
i've never been to a rap concert, but i've heard that a lot of rap artists aren't very good live. i think a great show is one that's general admission... i think something like warped is a lot more fun than a show in an arena. .. plus the music doesn't get SO loud that you can't stand it. i saw green day and jimmy eat world play like 2 years ago, but i was sitting so far away it didn't feel like i was really into it. but if the bands aren't good live it isn't worth it... i love anti-flag, but they really weren't very good live.
rock.. ok, more bands/artists that aren't old.. i went to a Jakob Dylan concert and he was WONDERFUL! but there just wasn't a lot of excitement in the crowd..
and when the opening band played they didnt get very much encouragement...
I would say this is a question nobody should ask XD Of course a rockconcert is better XD ah...shall I answer serious? There are also rappers who are ok and shure a rap concert can be good (I only was on one local concert calles HIP Rock- Hip Hop and Rock!)...but Rock is defenately better XD
Rock....IS WAYYYYY better, Ive been to some rap and hiphop concerts...only cuz i was forced too (and i mean literally) and idk i hate rap...i grew up with rock and i will always be a rocker at heart...wether it be old rock or new...Alll rock KICKS ARSE.....=)

Rock <333333
No quetsion a rock concert is deffinetly better than rap by a long shot!
It all depends on what you enjoy. I like all types of music. mostly the shows I go to are rock. But there is this one band here in toronto that are Hop-hop/rock/rap that are AMAZING! just the way they hype the crowd, it rocks! their band name is Down With Webster. You should check them out!



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