OHMIGOSH RJA came to NYC monday august 24 and they were absolutely amazing. I mean the other bands were pretty awesome too but my main reason for going in the first place was because I wanted to see RJA. Now i've seen them a total of 3 times. At Bamboozle 07 and 08 I was pretty far back, I heard the music and everything but I was just sooo far BUT on Monday since the venue was kind of small I got to see them up close. They played all the songs I wanted to hear, Represent, Cat & Mouse, Grim Goodbye, Face Down, Your Guardian Angel, Pen & Paper, In fate's hands, misery loves its company and another song off of the lonely road album. Ronnie even sang the chorus from Disconnected, they didnt play the song, someone in the crowd requested it so he sang a little piece. His voice is beautiful. All the band members were being sooo silly and funny and they just made me love them even more. Someone in the crowd (a dude) screamed "Ronnie you have a fat ass" and Ronnie just replied "it's proabaly because of all the beer I drink, I'm 26, give me a break." Hahaha.

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Comment by Mari on August 30, 2009 at 9:58am
thats so cool he did most of the songs that i liked he played those songs at the concert i went to too he also played false pretense and other songs i have to check cause iw wrote them down and i love how ronnie responded to that rude remark that guy made ronnie does not have a fat ass no way and i thought he was 27 going on 28 oh well glad you ahd a good time
Comment by Megan Torres on August 29, 2009 at 12:48am
:D i was there !!! :DDD ahahaha that was soooo much funn !!! Ronnie's voice IS beautiful, i agree with u 110%


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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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