Well, last night Club Hell in Providence Rhode Island had the pleasure of hosting RJA's acoustic cd release. I was told the venue doesn't normally book bands, but the show sold out anyway. It was an awesome turn out, and the crowd was probably the best of the tour so far!
The best part about working small venues like these is everybody who comes to the show gets to meet the entire band after their set. During the show there is a Q and A when a microphone gets passed around the crowd and each person has the opportunity to ask the guys a question. The bill is short at two bands, but it keeps the show short and sweet. You don't get tired by the last act, no body else is sweating on you, and you can still hear while you're driving home.
The new Unplugged and Unaffected cd is available only on the Unplugged and Unaffected Tour right now, and less than a hundred have been distributed. I can see the $5 disc turning into a keepsake just like the original 3 and 6 track Kins and Carroll demos. And since the guys take photos and sign autographs every night on the tour, each copy could be personalized.
Don't you wish all bands were so cool?

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Comment by Kelly (Apparatus) on June 13, 2008 at 1:43am
Staci I met you at Birmingham at Workplay. I am the silly woman that walked in and said OMG arent you Ronnie's wife LOL and then I was teasing you about him having my stinkin wife on his myspace LOL. We had an awesome time and it was so cool to get to meet the whole band it was my dream come true!! RJA is truly a one of a kind band. No other band that I have gone to see has ever done that plus I had to pay much much more for the ticket as well. You and Ronnie are such a cute couple. I can't wait until you and the band come back to B'ham again. I hope you come back to Workplay again so I can talk to you guys again!!
Comment by rjasnumberonefan on April 15, 2008 at 12:01am
I cherish every one of my CDs. I still have the sampler that was placed in my windshield at Plush during a Yellowcard concert! The original marketing tool :)
Comment by hotrodjess on April 13, 2008 at 11:12pm
acoustic stuff>regualr stuff. i cant wait till the show in tampa on the 23rd


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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


Questions....=) 116 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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