If you knew how Rad God is, how just cool just rockin, God is, he is, there wouldnt be this whole preconcieved notion

all this energy-excitement, movement, reasoning-spark everything that moves and nt moves for that matter..is from God.

He pulsates through my veins and he works entirely through me. My all is there pushing and in sync with all the motions he puts in my body. So I am alive and alert working with my God blood. I am working with wat he gave me. a surplus beyond what u could ever imagine.

When you have to live and breathe here, you should do it with passion.

nobodys testing you at all so just be who you are.

dont try to be something ur not. that hurst ur heart.ull give urself a heart attack.

everyne is trying to be be be like one another or whatever. the thing is u already are ur heart-, so be it. just be.

come along now, come up! youve come a long way

there really are no way out marks.when you see that each of us is bound knee deep.

that sudden burst of enthusiasm, reach deep for it every day. enjoy ur time

there is another way, live it with ppl. thru you to them. thru Me the Body of Christ


What if Jesus stood before you and asked. Well, I'm here. He says, here I am.

Im not going to live one more second without God, doing Gods work, using His words and laws....

You wouldnt be here if werent for me! -God

Sit up and stand fully with God in you.

we are all connected so deep, we are all connected.

God is the all time luminous light. I can feel everythng in Gods name.

You can live fully in the Lord and His gifts.

In the desert, they will be there.

Saturdays are not miracles, all days are miracles. ha

phew theres more where this came from, ill keep you posted.mm jr.

This last line here is from the book, "A Course in Miracles," use that God love, you are the work of God, and His work is wholly lovable and wholly loving. this is how a man must think of himself in heart, because this is what he is."

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