first let me start off by saying i'm one of those people who wants the world to be perfect...
i'm so tired of all these stupid people in the world and how the world doesn't exactly work right. for example, paris hilton does absolutly nothing, yet has a gagillion dollars while theres tons of homeless people. how about giving them some of your spare millions? and, i'm tired of shootings and murders. why does that need to happen? it makes no sense to me. it's so annoying how the media only focuses on the bad things and idolises celeberities but forgets all the other people that apparently mean nothing. war. it just needs to stop. find a more peacefull way to solve things that doesn't involve killing peoples' relatives. and why is everyone yelling? the only thing i ever get from anyone is yelling and screaming about how i don't do things right or that i'm not perfect. just let me be myself okay? i consider myself a part of the punk, emo, rocker whatever the hell you want to call it group and it annoys me to no end how everyone just makes fun of us instead of helping. down the road not across the street is SO funny to everyone but do they realize those people need help? another thing that i cannot stand is how people make fun of others that have disabilities. they act like those people just woke up one morning and were like "Hey! i feel like having a mental illness today!" it's not right at all to make fun of them at all. all these "gangstas" make me frustrated to. bending the rules causing trouble. they think the're so cool and the best but we'll see in 10 years when everyone else has a job but they're stuck being felons for a living. we need people to accecpt flaws and to get over the fact that nobody is perfect.

hellooo! the world just needs to wake up and straighten itself out.

and i'm sitting here trying to figure out why a stupid 11th grader in PA is the only one who is thinking about this. and why nobody is doing anything.


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