so um, it was 67 degrees today....January Chicago. We just had snow all over everything last week and today I went out without a jacket. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... anyone who knows me knows I'm not fond of cold weather and have plans to move somewhere was just kinda random. Fun though. Since all the snow melted and the ground wasn't completely frozen, everything was all soggy, so I had a blasty blast at work today playing in the mud with the 2 year old triplets (followed immediately by bathtime). My vote is always "let them get messy!" They're kids...why not?
When I went out tonight around 11, it was down to 36 degrees. What the hell??
SE wisconsin for me.
we had a lot of snow.
but it all melted.
its gonna snow alot tomorrow.
we had tornado warnings yesterday.
it also stormed somewhere too.
it was kinda cool.
lol im in Ga and the weather stays pretty fair here but we barely get any rain so its dry as hell the lake i lvie close to is about as far down as it could get and its the winter and yet were getting up into the 70s....
There was a blizzard here. 3 days later (yesterday) it was in the 50's and all the snow melted. Today, it's back down to 30's and it snowed + rained. :s
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