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  • Union, MO
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RJASum41's Friends

  • Jenna Good
  • Nicole Bacon
  • joey westwood
  • Ronnie Winter-Defoe

RJASum41's Discussions

The fifth RJA band member?
16 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lulu(is lost in her head) Oct 2, 2009.


Gather 'round now everyone, put your glass in the air, sing along now everyone, we've got a reason to cheer.

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"Its time to let it go!"

YO!!!! In fates hands, while the other is face down, watch your Guardian Angel, turn about and around. The Lonely road is tough, and there's always a Damn Regret, the Pen and Paper might be rough, but Godspeed can always be set. lol

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At 5:55pm on December 25, 2009, naomi. said…
thanks for the gift (:
At 8:22pm on December 14, 2009, naomi. gave RJASum41 a gift
At 5:02pm on June 16, 2009, Nicole Bacon said…
Haha cool deal! Well sounds like you have some catching up to do mister! Let me know what you think of them when you get the time to give them a listen. They are quite different lyrically then Don't you fake it. However in a less angry more inspirational way in my opinion. Anyways, lemme know!! XoXo
At 1:06am on June 16, 2009, Nicole Bacon said…
Did you forget about "The grim goodbye" and "Believe"?! Those songs describe INCREDIBLE!!


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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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