I know it broke my heart! He was my favorite and palyed the guitar so well! Oh sob! But the musice now is more relaxed and I lnisa like it! Any comments people Want to add?

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well i found the rja by you tube and i've found that it is no better,,but it is just as fine with out him...but what do i know?! i found the rja AFTER he ''dispersed'' well lugs ya byes =]
I miss Elias. The band isn't any better or worse with out him, but I still miss him. But I like Matt, too.
Ronnie and Duke made the band, Joye has a kid and the bands awesome thats bout all any one needs to know xD lugz ya byes =]
He moved on to "pursue his own music".
i know i miss elias a lot :(
i cant really say because i started liking RJA after he left so i dont really have an opinion
I FOUND ELIAS PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send me a message to find out how to get to his page...lol he will not like this!!!!!! lugz ya all byes =] ~sneeky grin~
I agree that they hve been doing good without him. I don't know who matt is but I know that he is new to the band. I hope he is hot! I like hot boys!
he's not all that,,seen a pic of em' but he is nice from what i hear.



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