Hey ladies and germs!
Welcome to the group.
feel free to post discussions as you please.

&& btw, i'm Jenn.
introduce yourselves, please!

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Whats upp. Im Brittany and Im in Titusville, FL =]
Well, Welcome Brittany.
Have you ever been to any RJA shows in Florida?
Unfortunately no I haven't =/
My dad doesn't like concerts all that much so he won't let me go.
Im Katrina and well I'm only in Florida for School......they actually came and performed at me school and i got to hang out with them after the show.
That is awesome!! You are so lucky!
I'm Mary, and I live in Loxahatchee, Florida.
And yes, it's as small a town as it sounds. =P
im jess and im from plant city, fl. its near tampa. im easy to spot at concerts because im ususally the only person in a wheelchair there. anyway ive seen RJA 5 times.
hi im jessica and i live in orlando. i've only been to 2 of their shows
hi im from Jacksonville Florida! i know the drum tec for the band...its kinda kool...holla back!
Five times?
I'm Laura and I am in Middleburg. I actually moved down here about 6 mos ago from Maine.



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Discussion Forum

The New Jams 10 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe. Last reply by Just A Fan Nov 21, 2011.

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