  • 43, Female
  • Middleburg
  • United States
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About Me:
Hmmm....where to start. I have been married for 3 years and I have an amazing husband and gorgeous and incredibly smart daughter. She is my world and I thank God every day for sending her to me. She has fantastic taste in music. Everytime she hears the song "Your Guardian Angel" she stops whatever she is doing and listens. I played the video for her and when she sees it, she comes over, sits in my lap and starts clapping and waving at the screen (she is a year old and it is absolutely one of the most adorable things I have ever seen).

I recently moved to the Jacksonville area (military spouse) from Maine. I am insanely laid back and because of that there are few people who I don't get along with or dislike. I love to travel, see new things and meet new people. I love music of all kinds (especially RJA, obv). Anything else you want to know just ask....or check out my myspace, but if you check out myspace, you should probably atleast say hello.


Laura's Blog

My Guardian Angel

Posted on December 13, 2007 at 12:41pm 0 Comments

Who is your guardian angel and why?

Mine is my daughter. She has been ever since I found out I was pregnant. You see, I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks after we found out my husband, who is in the military, was being sent to Iraq to help out the Marines for 14 months. My daughter gave me a reason to get up and take really good care of myself during that time. She was sent to me at a time when I'm not sure what I would have done without her and because of that, she is without a doubt…


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At 3:15pm on December 15, 2007, Fish,Mike The said…
yes she is.she is the greatest thing to ever happen to me
At 10:33pm on December 14, 2007, Heidi said…
Hmm. Surprisingly.


I am feeling better.

Hope your day is good!
At 7:10pm on December 14, 2007, Fish,Mike The said…
aug2010.i was stupid enough to re-up
At 6:55pm on December 14, 2007, Fish,Mike The said…
ive been to korea once before.deployment there is 1 year.but a deployment to iraq is15 to 18 monthes.the army is gay
At 12:15am on December 14, 2007, Fish,Mike The said…
im in fort riley,it sucks ass supposed to go back to korea in april or may
At 12:03am on December 14, 2007, Fish,Mike The said…
hello,is your husband still in iraq?i have a lot of friends over there,being as im in the army
At 11:59am on December 13, 2007, BERNADETTE :: MiSS RJA© said…
Blog comment reply:

Aww...I'm sorry you're going to be away from your family. Where are you originally from? At least you have your own little family here...especially with your husband home to be able to spend it with you and your daughter. I hope you 3 have a wonderful Holiday Season! :D

I accepted your friend request by the way. :)
At 8:04pm on December 12, 2007, Heidi said…
Awww, thank you. I hope I feel better too.

So how are you?








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