So... tell us a little about yourself?

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have you guys heard about the hue?
No, what is the hue?
Well, I am 14 and I go to Rancho Alamitos High School. I get straight A's and have a 4.0 gpa[I know I'm such a nerd:). I am Catholic, have been living in California my whole life, am also Mexican-American(i was born in CA). I love going to the beach and I am a very nice, honest, and generous person. I absouletly love RJA, but not as much as Jesus:)

P.S. I am not a know-it-all nerd who raises their hand for every question. I just do my homework, study, and help other students who don't get the lesson. It it was up to me I wouldn't care if I got B's but my parents are strict when it comes to school and sometimes the pressure and stress can be hard to deal with. Everybody expects so much from me! When I'm stressed I turn my ipod all the way up and tune out the world. I also got to church and pray to God, which helps. Wow, that was a long P.S. :)
ok well umm...if you wana know bout me check out my page and see!! lol
Okay well my about me pretty much says everything. But it doesn't talk about how my mother has phybromyalga. For those of you how don't know what that is it's a medical condition that make the body eat away at it's own muscles. So she has been bed bound for morethan 10 years and can't eat certain things. We has a feeding tube and a scooter that she uses to help herneoth that. My dad is an electrain so he isn't rolling in the dough. So lots of medical bills are hard on our family. He has his lists if medical probalems too. He broke his back this chrisas sledding and a few tears age a thousand pound motor fell on his legs. He is in pain all the time and I seem like I'm the only one of my five siblings that cares about him. I live my life day by and some days are harder than others. Most of the time I don't even think anything about it. But there us times when u see girls take advantage is their mother gettting to shop with them or when my mom hasn't came to any of my events since I was in the sixth grade. It's hard but I deal with it. My wonderful boyfriend helps me be through that everyday. And I am so thankful that the lord brought us together! He is the one thing that keepsnmy man and I together. I thank Him everyday for that! Well that's my story
My boyfriend of a year just broke up with me! I need ur prayers to get me through this! Thanks in advance!
i know how that is don't worry bout it i've got your back ;]









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