i know this is gonna sound weird but ive never met anyone else with cp

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or even does anyone know anyone with cp?
my cousin has it, the docs in england said he'd never walk. not even cralw, but he has, i love him and hopefully i'm going to see him this spring. so yeah lol ^_^
yeah ive had it my whole life i can walk but cant run but i didn't learn to walk till i was almost 6 and i can remember holding on to a chair in the therapists office learning to walk just crying and screaming saying i cant do it i cant do it i give up literally till the day i finally did do it and walk which i can remember and you know so many people take walking and running and jumping for granted like they say im not walking all the way here and it will only be like a mile. that really irks me so much.
i have cp
so do i



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cord blood stem cells and cerebral palsy

Started by Oliviasmommy <3 Jan 6, 2010.

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Started by Oliviasmommy <3 Dec 30, 2009.

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