why does ronnie winter drink so much after each song???

well i thought of this question cause i just saw the red jumpsuit apparatus on a show in the Philippines and i noticed after a song or two ronie winter keeps drinking uhhh... water and other stuff can you tell me why???

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coz singing a lot can make one quite thirsty..
and drinking a lot can help prevent a sore throat from setting in
what does he drink actually??
to protect his throat...singing/screaming dries up your throat. and thats why u need to drink lots of water before and after singing/screaming....
then he have to go to the bathroom? hehehe... I really think he needs to drink cuz there's a lot of songs to sing and it dries up your throat, even when you only sing 3 songs.
so he drinks like uhhh.. throat sprayers or something like that?
maybe tea of some sort. or a drink with honey.
Yes i noticed to at soundwave in Australia. Vince summed it up very well. Ronnie is just preserving that awesome singing voice so he can sing to us when he is 80 something ;)
like everyone said singing/screaming dries out your mouth and throat so he has to drink a lot. as far as the troat spray he usually only has to use that when/if he is getting sick. the different climate over there might have something to do with it too.
and because it's really hot in the philippines that time. and if u're in trinoma... u have seen the crowd... the aircondition can't handle that much crowd.
because people get thirsty and its hot in Philppines..so very hot
Hot or not, vocalists need water to maintain their performance, cuz like i said...singing and espescially screaming can dry up your throat...
yep yep sir! :) totally right



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