Have you ever talked to Ronnie Winter or any of the guys on this site?

hey guys so have you ever talked to ronnie or any of the guys on here? If so what was it about? Whether its on chat or email or writing on there page it doesnt matter. Ive talked to ronnie and randy theyre real cool guys.

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oh yeah and Randy commented on my page "Sour Patch Kidz ROCK!!!"
OMG YOU TALKED TO JOEY!!!!! when! how come you never told me.... what did you two talk about and for how long and god what time was it for you guys to be the only ones online
it was at like 4pm. and we only said a few words :( i never mentioned it because it wasnt that epic. lol.
me: "hey joey!!!!"
joey: "Hey."
me: "OMG I love you."
Joey: "haha thanks"
me: "im sorry. im new to the alliance....i'll get used to you sooner or later."
Joey: "lol ok"
then i had to get off :(
thats epic to me he talked to you man!!!! and you made him laugh and it wasnt just a ha ha laugh it was a laugh out loud laugh thats epic whyd you have to get off that so sucks
I've only seen ronnie and randy on. Ronnie I haven't seen on here in a long time though, but I talked to randy just a few weeks ago about rja gion to warped10 :)
i've talked with randy but only for 5 mins. cause he's busy that time.
i <3 randy
ok wow it seem's i'm a bit late, but so yeah i thought Ronnie din't like me, so emailed him asking him if he want'd me off, he said no in a vary nice way =]
what made you think he didnt like you
Well...there was the duct tape conversation...which led to making a duct tape hat for Randy. I met him and talked to Randy at the concert I went to. Also talked to Staci. And Matt. Matt signed my duct tape hat. And I was right behind Joey when he came out into the crowd during the opening act. No one noticed him. It was funny. I didn't actually say anything to him though... >.> Oh, and I sent Ronnie a message asking him a question. He responded. I was excited.
I once caught Ronnie but he signed out in a few seconds, then Randy... it was still cool when he sent me a message, he was online but I think he was busy that he did not reply.



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