hmm mine is..."i will never let you fall" from your guardian angel <3

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hmmmm thats tough its either " waiting for this life to change seems like its taking me forever" from waiting obv. or " I see whats going down" from face down thats a tough question lol
i know, say how many song's have written? for me, 3, so far at least, and if i could chose one of mine it would be...''You never know what you got till it's gone'' from my song, Tears are falling. I find writing fun and easy but that just me (lol) but truely finding the band is the hard part. ok going WAY off, well lugz ya all byes
sorry Lulu but that line is in TONS of songs!!!!!
ummm...gosh so hard to choose lol
take back, the beat in your heart, why fight?when you cant be bought? Atrophy
they can't change you, they cant make you who you are not. Represent
a pebble in the water makes a ripple effect, every action in this world will bear a consequence. Face Down
and then every single word in Your Guardian Angel
i love all those :D
:) they rock!
all RJA lyrics rock ahah
Take time to contemplate about who you are and where you want to go - Waiting, it's the best...
yeah waiting is epic
Yep couldn't be better lol.
haha i agree (:
omg thats my fav song by them!!!!!!! thats my fav song in the whole entire world!!!!!!









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