they have officially crossed the line...and by they i mean the myspace douchebags

heres a comment from one guy called Woods

-HATERS EXIST because there are actually people out there who can distinguish REAL music, from COMPLETE, UTTER, BULLSHIT.

And to THOSE who DO have that sense, I tip my hat, and raise my drink to YOU.

Now WHAT you trend-following, nancy-boy jackoffs DONT realize; is this is just another facile attempt for corporate whores to dump their Cum-Load of shitty talent on you to get more money.

This isn't real music, this is a fucking business, and you people suck it down like you do your $5.00 frappe-latte's and cappucino's.

Say, that $89.99 MAJOR PACKAGE they're offering (Scroll up) sure sounds like a Mighty good deal for such an awesome rockin' band! Included is a "Canvas Military hat" to show off how much of a trend-following douche-bag you really are!

While you're at it you can get your cock-sucked by your boyfriend while thinking of another insignificant stupid fucking band name like "Red Jumpsuit Apparatus"

Was the name "Tattoo'd Nutsack Dingleberries" TAKEN?

am i the only that thinks that it was too much?

Alliance members, discuss further actions.

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i think we all need to freakin jump this guy,
thats freakin horrible and ridiculous! UGH

im mad now D:/body>
just ignore it, hes just mad because he knows he will never be as famous as the RJA
Megan... I LOVE YOU!!!
I think we're going to be best buds :D hehe, I'm so glad you said something about Jonas Brothers :P I've been accused of looking like one!!! YOU KNOW HOW SCARY THAT IS?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHH!!!
Haha, people are such dipsticks!! I saw some guy like... "I heard Face down on the radio and I really liked it, then I heard Your Guardian Angel on the radio, and I really liked it, but you are all mainstream now, I can't even call myself a fan anymore...
I swear these guys don't know a damn thing they're sayingg!!!! Like geeze, if you heard it on the freaking radio... don't you think it's... uh... "Mainstream"? Just because you hear some other dipstick talking about "mainstream" at school doesn't make mean you have ANY idea what the word means. If you DON'T want mainstream, or if you DESPISE mainstream, may I suggest bands like Children of Bodom and other Nu-metal bands that would rather cruficy themselves than make a song that is playable on radio...
And that's BESIDE THE POINT!!! Guys... RJA is not mainstream. Mainstream is what you said, bands like Jonas Brothers and Relient K... Bands that hide behind their record labels, and don't write about anything other than love and good times because they don't want to offend anyone. Don't get me wrong, I love RJA... But they are mainstream. I think it's wonderful that RJA can debut platinum, but I don't care if they sold TEN million CD's, it's not the money that makes you mainstream, it's what you stand for as a band. People are so scared now days to stand up for what they believe in, it really PISSES me off... No one is real any more and it takes some real balls from some really amazing people to stand up in what they believe in, not only with their songs but with every ounce of their band. Way to go RJA, way to go.
P.S. This should have been called "The Rant Thread" instead of "Everyone Get in Here"... Nice, Vince, NICE. :D
no, it should be called Everyone get in here and rant thread lol :D
wow... thats a little extreme i mena i could understand not likeing the band...thats understand able i mena i hate hannah montana but u dont see me walking around bashing her this badly, do these people ot realise that every person has a right to like and or dis like anything in this world? i mean the least they could do is show some kinda of curisy and agree to disagree.....geez and how can they judge RJA's music as crappy with out them i don't know where id be and i mena that they've helped me get threw some hard stuff in my life well at least their lyrics have so how can they say their music sucks and is a trend when they don;t even know the effects it has one people? i say Fuck them!
I like the fact that not once did they specifically say WHY they think RJA is so bad. They're good at promoting their band and have a huge that a bad thing for a band? If they didn't promote and sell merch somehow they wouldn't get to spread the word about their music and their message. RJA does so much more that just advertise. Everyone already knows the music industry is a business. Nothing new there!
Let me correct what this Woods said:

- HATERS EXIST because there are actually people out there who CAN'T and NEVER they CAN distinguish REAL music, from COMPLETE, UTTER, BULLSHIT

Obviously, he's one of those HATERS talking bullshits.
Just like those so called "FANS" on YouTube (when i was listening to Believe) posting comments like " I LOVE The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, but this is NOT them, i wish the new album was like dont you fake it, but the only good songs on it are pen and paper and represent, this is kinda gay" and "they sound like a cheesy version of the new barney theme song. cant believe RJA went this offense i LIKED them but..dam". - Still, they have the GUTS to say that they LOVE/LIKE the band. OMG.
I think thats so sad that they care so much of what other people listen too. Honestly, everyone has different music tastes. You don't have to bash someone cause they like what they like. I just try to ignore it.
so is this a rant thread or...? :P

coz ive got some general rant.
nothing about anyone on here. [:'s my take on the situation. I feel like playing Dr. Phil for a bit.

As I scan through the post, the following phrases jump out at me...

1) Woods
2) nancy-boy jackoffs
3) Cum-Load
4) $5.00 frappe-latte's and cappucino's
5) cock-sucked by your boyfriend
6) Nutsack Dingleberries

Clearly this guy is just venting some frustrations with his sexuality/gender issues. I've been in plenty RJA fan crowds and very few of them look like the type to drink $5.00 Frappe-lattes. LMFAOROTFL

Nothing he wrote pissed me off. I'm still laughing at the "Tattoo'd Nutsack Dingleberries". I think that will be my next Rock Band name. hahahahahaha









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