Hello Alliance Members!

As some of you know, I am a part of The RJA touring crew. I've been thinking of a way to bring light to the mystery of life on the road, and for the next few upcoming tours I'm planning on having a roadie newsletter available at the merchandise table.
Of course the periodical will include information for our web store and the alliance site, but one of my key goals is to focus on the crew members themselves.

Ever wonder what goes on inside the venue while you're waiting in line outside?
How did they get such cool jobs?
What's it like to work with one of the best bands - EVER?!??
I'd like to know what you guys think of the project, and questions like the ones above would make an awesome addition to the pamphlet. Let me know what you'd like to see included in the newsletter. Don't be shy - include any photos of you with the crew members, short stories about your interactions with them, and anything else you think would be fun to share! I look forward to seeing you all at an upcoming show, and thanks for all of your support!

Staci Winter
Tour Merchandise Manager

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Thats an awesome idea! It gives some light to the people who work so hard to give us the night of our lives!! Only one thing missing thou....u need to come to Australia so I can get one!!!!!!!!!!! :):) I was so devo that the Soundwave appearence got cancelled, I bought the ticket purely for RJA! I was looking foward to the meet & greet part coz u don't get that opportunity very often with overseas bands, and it's been a long time since I've been so taken by a band that I'd give my grandma to meet them!! Keep up the good work RJA KREW! Hope to see u in OZ very soon! xxxxx
i want to be a part of RJA crew to :(
we all do sweetie =]
Hey Staci ! I hope you're doing well.<3 And this sounds like a great idea ! I'm really looking forward to it.
You. are. the. BEST!!!
Sounds great lol
I think it's an Awesome idea!
No matter how much I don't want to say it. I have to.
I can't ever come to a show.
First of all, your boy's never seem to come to Washington!
And second of all, I can't afford to buy a ticket. I would have to myself, and being thirteen.
I guess I won't ever get to meet you Staci. Sorry. D:
but seriously, It's a seriously good idea.
I've wondered those questions alot...
Good Luck With That!
omg i loved the newsletter its so awesome. you should create a roadies page somewhere on the website so we can have updates during the European tour and the time "off" when the band is recording and between tours and stuff.
I agree with ^...........=) I relli relli wish u rja would come back to Dc...ive missed them twice alredy =( *tear* but yeh staci this is a great idea i luv it =)
I still haven't gotten to see one of the newsletters, the roadies page is a really good idea, I think.
Staci can you make a page where you guys just put in some articles from the newsletter so we can see whats going on wherever you are?
): I meant to pick one up, but totally forgot.



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