What do you think is the reason why you love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus??

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i love them because i can seriously listen to their whole cd. all of their songs are good. not just a couple. and i can see myself being at their concert.
for me,, the reason is because of their awesome and meaningful songs..
Second is because of the lead singer, Ronnie Winter.. actually, I have a crush on him.!
I can easily connect with their music<3
Well they are veary good talented and have a great genre of music and their singer is so sexy.
They have the guts to be who they are through their music and could care less about reactions cuz they know we'll eat it up.
it just slaps me in the face to wake me up and see that the world is about to succumb... telling me that now is the time to move... it takes only one person to change everything...that person could be me...or you.... (and then i drown in the awesome guitar riffs and drums as well as the whole screaming thing >_<) WOOT!! RJA FTW....
because the band has great music, they just plane out rock, and the lyrics of there songs are awesome..
there good singers,
there voices are amazing.
and the lyrics to there songs are just,
truly great.
like, if im feeling mad or sad,
i'll go home and pop in RJA and listen to damn regret or misery loves its company
and i will be okay in no time.
and i like the guitar...
and how the lyrics just speak to you.
and i love how they dont scream on ALL of there songs.
justa few.
For me its definitely Ronnie's voice......idk no one else in the industry has one quite like his. I like to describe it as "heroic". And another thing is the method of guitar they use. One guitar usuually does simple power chords and chugs them in a similar fashion to a regular pop song, while the other performs complicated riffs underneath to flesh out the song. I'm sure that Elias and Duke switch these parts often seeing as how they are both skilled enough to accomplish both methods of playing.
I think that i love RJA because the hace really great songs and they are really nice guys
wait, what?
i think blondie meant to put THEY HAVE not the hace.... unless i'm not down with the newest lingo...



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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