I know the kids on myspace had negative feedback, and said the band was "selling out" and such. but they aren't the real fans anyways.
I personally think this song is awesome. Sure, it doesn't sound like every other Red Jumpsuit Apparatus song we've heard before, but that doesn't make it not good. Besides, nobody wants to make an album where 3 or 4 songs in, you already feel like you've heard the whole thing. It has a different sound that's pulled off extremely well. And just as important, we know they're the same band they've always been.
RJA has always called themselves a rock and roll band, and this song, is very rock and roll.
To listen to You Better Pray and then Pen and Paper is even more amazing. The fact that both sounds are going to be on one album is so cool. I can't wait to hear what else is going to be in the mix.

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hmm good point, touche :D
I friggen love You better Prey!!!! It gives you that old rock kind of feel yet wits still new hottness!! lol I love it and cant wait for the album!
i was just read the comments on myspace.
all the people who love the song had a backlash
on all the stupid people who dont hahaha
it makes me laugh :]]]
and did you notice a lot of those people backlashing on them are alliance members?
hahah YEAH i did!!! i was one of them xD
I just want to say this.
I read the negative comments. They state the same thing over and over. One person even put something about it not being like "face down". No, they produced those songs a LONG time ago(3-5 years ago?). Since being on the road, traveling for 4 years straight. They will obviously improve from those days. "You better pray" shows their true talent. Who knows, maybe it doesn't even show half of their musical talent. But in my opinion, it's an amazing song. Ronnie's vocals, the lyrics, the guitars, and jons drum. All together, they chose an amazing song to put out as their first single. I have to agree with lynn 100% when she said more than half of the negative comments came from the 14 and 15 year olds kid who love paramore and boys like girls.

You better pray has an amazing message. The song itself has a old school vibe to it. I just can't get enough of listening to it.

Never doubt red jumpsuit. They will def. amaze you everytime.

So for those who want to criticize and say they sold out...they have no idea how ridiculously stupid they sound.

KEEP ROCKIN ON BOYS. The alliance loves your new stuff! FUCK THE CRITCISM.
i think the song is amazing. I agree that no, it doesnt sound like every RJA song, but thats the beauty of it. If all their songs sounded the same, what would set them apart? We'd be like "uh.. wth another one?" I love it. I cant wait to hear the rest of the cd :]
..yah i agree with that...the kids have ''more nerves'' to say that they we're selling out..i think,they're just kids..they don't know how to say such things like that
..i finally heard the song ''you better pray'' well my answer to my mystery tittle was solved...it was good..they're kinda experimenting the sound like oasis did
there will always be haters. some of them hated the band in the begining and i dont get why they listen to a song of a band they hate just to hate on the song. its stupid and childish and moronic.

i like the fact that the two songs are so different. i love them both, although i'd probably listen to pen and paper more. to me you better pray is one of those songs i would play on those days that i get pissed at the world and just want to drown myself in music. most albums are either full of songs like pen and paper or full of songs like you better pray. i think its awesome that an album put out by my favorite band has songs i can listen to when im happy and other songs i can listen too when im pissed at the world
I really liked You Better Pray. I heard it at the meet and Greet at the Filmore in Detroit and I thought it was really catchy.

When I get your new cd I am so downloading the whole thing on my Ipod XD.
you better pray is absolutely amazing.
its like RJA is just expanding their horizons.
to hell with the people who speak badly of it.



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